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    This is a fantastic diamond in the rough! I move to this small town a little NE of Grand Rapids a year ago and have been here quite a few times. My first dish was the Princess Shrimp, and I have explored the menu since then without a single bad meal. Definitely the place to go when you are craving some good Chinese! If you like spicy food, be sure to order extra hot as the heat is generally Americanized, but they will cater to your taste.

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    The director at my work told me about this place.  I didn't try the Thai but hope to get a chance to return here and do so.  
    I got lost while trying to find this place, but I am directionally challenged, I wish you better luck.
    I ordered a combo plate as it seemed a good deal, it came with an entree (general chicken in my case), rice, 1 cream cheese wonton, & 1 egg roll, and a cup of egg drop soup.  Super duper delicious, I gotta say.  Everything was spot on, yummy.  I had hot tea too, and that was nice as well.  Gotta get my green tea on with my Chinese food, I highly recommend it.  Don't be turned off by the appearance of this building as it is more hole-in-the-wall.

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