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    Only place to be the second week in August . Great music , happy people, great burgers, (Lefties won this year with an unforgettable burger) events for everyone. Only problem is that I need a vacation after my vacation!

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    This event actually runs from August 12th to the 21st. I went last year for the first time and am completely stoked to go again this year! Haven't heard of it? Read on...

    Do you like a good cheeseburger? For one who isn't much of a meat-eater, I have to admit that a cheeseburger is something that I just enjoy having a few times a year. If you want to be someone who can speak with authority to the best cheeseburgers around, make some time to drive to the "Cheeseburger Fest". You will not be disappointed with the selection, and will leave satisfied.

    Main Street teems with people, all crowding around the various vendors. To tell you the truth, I absolutely hate crowds, but I can deal if only there is a tasty morsel awaiting at each destination. The burgers make the experience absolutely worth the while. As it's been almost a year since the last festival, I cannot recollect how many different burgers were available, but I believe it was in the order of anywhere from 10-20 different varieties. Every chef aims to please for the prize, as each burger is entered into a contest. From a portabella burger, to Mexican (with salsa), and everything in between, the creative juices flow at this annual event of burger bliss.

    Details of the event can be found on their site. The page is in fact up to date, although the whole site is admittedly horridly pieced together. I haven't gone for anything but the cheeseburgers, but there are enough different events to keep you busy the whole week. Other attractions include laser light shows, concerts, a parade, various contests, and a lot of different events for kids. You will also find that a lot of people come to Caseville's County Park to camp out for the event. Unfortunately it has probably been booked for months now. At any rate, you should visit the beach after a day of burger goodness and bask in the warmth of the afternoon sun, enjoying your seemingly alcohol-free beverage.

    If I could give only one word of advice, it is that you take some friends along for the ride. Not only is each cheeseburger anywhere from $4 - $7 (from what I recall), but each burger is of sizable portion, enough to split up amongst a group for the ultimate in sampling. After you've done your rounds, go around and pick up a burger for yourself, one that you enjoyed the most. I guarantee this is the best way to experience the festival. To be safe, I would recommend bringing $20 - $30 each with you for the ultimate experience, more if you would like to purchase a memento or a drink or two of choice.

    As a side note, we stopped at a gas station on the way back down off of M-53. One side sold assault rifles and the other ice cream. I can't say much for the guns, but the ice cream hit just the spot late at night. If you know of this place, let me know.

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    Cheeseburger is like spring break for grown-ups. But its just too big for little old Caseville. The traffic and long waits for everything are not fun.  Neither is the latent hostility from the locals who just want their town back.  And watching inebriated 40 year-olds stumble in the street is kinda depressing to me.  Sure, the burgers are good (particularly if you are in a group and can share them).  The parade is impressive and the cardboard boat races are fun to watch too.  But it is way too much hassle for me to enjoy.  If you simply must go, try the first weekend of the festival as it is less insane.

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    Here's a 10day festival that seemingly funds all of this small town's summer business.  The village swells with tens of thousands of tourists from all over the state (increasingly, nation) pouring in.  Campsites and hotels within 20-30 miles are often booked solid several months in advance.  Plan accordingly.

    People come to the area for water-related/tourist activities (boating, fishing, beaches, kayaking, canoeing, fine dining).  Caseville has a boardwalk, campground, and giant sand beach, all within five minutes walk. Nearby Port Cresant State Park and Port Austin are also good spots.

    The festival itself is all about hamburger stands and other vendors that line up along the main street.  There's some truly delicious burger to be had.  Pedestrian traffic maxes out the sidewalks and cars are forced to creep through.  Every night a band stand blasts Jimmy Buffet-esque tunes.  Day events too: a parade, cardboard & duct tape boat race, day concerts, and some more that I'm forgetting.  All day, people are boozing, dancing, eating, swimming, and purchasing miscellaneous crap.  Sadly, the Caseville scene shuts down on the early side and everything moves to private spots for the late night, with exceptions being Dufty'sTavern and Waterside.

    Cops try to keep the peace, but they just get in the way on the sidewalks and don't let people post up. This really sucks when all you want to do is chat with friends or people passing by.  The rigid policy of no one on the beach after dark is the worst idea in the world.  Late night beach access would make this festival the greatest in Michigan.  

    No matter though, Cheeseburger is the goods. Lots of people will be there for beautiful sand and water. Expect liberal day-drinking and a good drinking base.

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