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    Any restaurant that would display our nations flag the way they have will never get good reviews from me!

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    This small-town, local owned restaurant offers great, hearty, home cooked food. We had breakfast there. I had a Mexican burrito filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, and cheese. I had them top it with fried potatoes then load it with chili and cheese with a dollop of sour cream. It was really good. No one at the table had any complaints about anything ordered.

    The main reason for eating here was because a member of our party has to eat a gluten free diet, and Chili Piaz offers gluten free food.

    The atmosphere is like stepping in to a John Wayne/Lone Ranger museum. There is plenty to look at and talk about while eating. Service was friendly. Prices are ridiculously inexpensive.

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    This is exactly what you want in a small-town restaurant.  It's not only a solid spot for food in Dorset, it's a great meal and friendly service no matter the standard.

    Never had a bad meal there. Service is incredibly friendly, and it's family-owned and operated.  Mostly locals here, most of whom know the owners by name. You'll instantly fall in love with Steve and Kathy and their daughters.

    The Cowboy platter is a perfect breakfast food meal (available until 3!). The one cinnamon roll ordered at our table didn't stand a chance; it was picked at by everyone.  The nachos and chili were out of this world, coming from a Mexican-food snob.  The chili (in any form) is legendary, and made using their recipe at a local butcher.  The "dog" is actually a giant meal, again made using their own recipe at a local butcher and smothered in onion rings, sour cream, and other goodness.  They even have a food challenge: eating three of the dogs, plus a pound and a half of fries, gets your name on the wall and a "My Name Made the Wall at Chili Piaz" t-shirt.

    Super casual atmosphere.  The prices are ridiculously cheap.  The place itself is a museum to cowboys, John Wayne, patriotism, and the military; this is the kind of true character that's just awesome to witness.

    If you are anywhere near the area, make Chili Piaz a planned meal.

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