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    I was driving across Pennsylvania for work, from one end to the other, before flying back to California out of my home state of Connecticut.

    After driving forever looking for a place to get something to eat, I came across the Flight 93 Memorial, which unfortunately was closed at the time. Several minutes after continuing east on the 30 (Lincoln Highway) I stopped at this gas station to grab a soda and whatever they had to go, but on entering the store I saw a good sized hometown restaurant with plenty of tables at the back of the store, and diner-style seating if you just want to pull up a stool for yourself.

    Sitting at the stools, I could see the kitchen was immaculately clean. I looked over the menu which was surprisingly comprehensive, with many items to choose from including burgers, tacos, pizza, sandwiches and a lot more, and even creative and harder to find, but great tasting food, like the cuban sandwich, which is what I ordered.

    It was just a few minutes past closing time, which I didn't know at the time, but was surprised to hear they were happy to make my sandwich for me. In a land of chain restaurants, where being closed means being closed, I really appreciated that personal effort on their part.

    The sandwich was excellent! It was so good I had to thank the chef personnally. I've had cubans before, and this was a great one. When I was done eating, I would have ordered another one for the road had it not been so late. The team here was great, friendly and fast. The prices are more than reasonable.

    Jeff the owner was great to talk to. He's a real friendly guy with some great success stories. In chatting with him I learned the restaurant had just been added only several months ago and was doing very well. I can see why. Based on the owner, the team he's brought together and the quality of the food and service, I would definitely recommend this location for any hungry travelers, family or solo.

    Next time I'm on this stretch of the 30, I'm definitely stopping here again.

    Notes: There is a large red digital sign that is part of the gas station sign advertising the restaurant. There is a picnic table outside. You can buy gas and all of the conveniences of a gas station you would expect. There is an ATM inside. They also have a walk-up window for ice cream. Plenty of parking all around the parking lot for the gas station. This location is directly on the 30 (Lincoln Highway) only minutes from the Flight 93 Memorial.

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