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    First of all you sit out in the freezing cold an wait fifteen minutes to be greeted. Then you have to hunt down your waitress anytime you need anything because there is no way she is coming by. You make your own steak, I find the idea of handling my own raw meat, flipping it, etc. A little strange especially since I am PAYING for this, but most people seemed to like it so ok. Wouldn't mind them givin you the option of having a cook make it for you, you even have to make your own sides, just like at home. Only difference is you don't have to do dishes. In three hours we had to find our waitress everytime we needed something, and everytime we found her in the bathroom doing her hair. So basically, you pay to make your own food and get up and get your own beer. No thanks, I'll stay home. Maybe if the service was a little better......

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