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    A slight update, without being a shining review. Since the last review that I added for CP, I have been a few more times for karaoke or just to meet up with some friends. There are really not many options in Kilgore for this at all. My negative experiences with the bartenders have always been with the female bartenders, and I have been waited on by Rhett nearly every time that I have been in more recently. He is always a good bartender and makes sure that you always have a drink and leave happy.

    When I have been for karaoke, it is a pretty laid-back karaoke scene. There are very few serious karaoke patrons that come, and everyone just wants to have a good time with drinking and mediocre singing. This marks a pretty serious difference between here and a few other places in Kilgore with Karaoke, where it is a stiffer, "I sing in church so I'll come sing here" attitude and any songs that contain objectionable lyrics will be immediately stopped, whether the person even sings them or not. Come get some drinks and just don't get your hopes up that this will be the classiest, cleanest, cheapest pool hall that you have ever experienced.

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    I really enjoy this spacious pool hall. Billiards and darts abound and TVs provide news or sporting events. Karaoke is hosted on Friday nights and live bands play here Saturday nights.
    Keep in mind, the Longview/Kilgore areas aren't exactly bustling with great nightlife! I always invite friends because I hang out with them, not the staff.

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    Good environment, great draft beer. Pool tables are a little expensive, at $4 per person all night. Should like to see the price of drinks go up and the price of pool go down, because there are tons of bars where you can get cheaper drinks, but this is a decent pool hall.

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    Don't be fooled by this spacious pool hall. It looks inviting: nice carpet, space to relax, clean tables. That's about where it ends.

    First you'll experience the "check-in" where your i.d. is entered into the bar computer for future reference. And you'll experience this again every single time you go because this place is "private club" status and needs special state permits to serve the alcohol that they do, so rigourously checking i.d.'s of patrons comes with the territory. Fair enough. Except a GOVERMENT ISSUED passport won't stand on it's own as i.d. - it has to be paired with a driver license or - wait for it - school issued i.d. - um, what?!

    Next you will experience the rudest, most sour-faced, untrained, and unfriendly bartender's this side of the mississippi: bleached blonde Texas girls with the personalities of wet mops who neither greet, smile at, or engage with patrons on any level (there is maybe ONE bartender there that this doesn't really apply to) except to ask "I.D." or "What you havin'." Most of the time they look annoyed to be there - like they've done everyone a favor by clocking in for the night. On one occasion, the bartender was pregnant and puffing away on a cigarette while on shift - happy as a clam. Pure trash.

    Oh - and just as an added bonus, you'll experience the management's inability to provide music for their patrons. You have to pay for it at the jukebox. And if you dare interrupt the steady stream of death metal that's blaring over the speakers with something a tad lighter, the charming jukebox has an option that will allow the nearest redneck to spend his last few quarters to "buy out" his song selections over yours.  Now THAT's friendly!

    The performing group i was with for the summer gave this place a TON of business (and probably funded plenty of cigs for the pregnant mom and new tattoos for the other employees). But their practices and rudeness are far from inviting. I will never go here again. the locals can have it.

    God help that newborn. Hooooo, doggy!

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