day 34 of my endless spring trip...
i got to thinking when i got here. why i was doing this trip. i felt... like i never had. so tired. not physically in another way...
tell me if you have felt this way but i...
sometimes I feel like i've never been nothing but tired...
and I'll be driving till the day I expire...
some days I look down, afraid I will fall...
and though the sun shines i see nothing at all...
<a href="/redir?" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://farm3.static.flic…</a>
its like i am searching for something. a source. something i am thirsty for. something i hunger for...
then it came...
<a href="/redir?" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://farm4.static.flic…</a>
and 8 mins later there it went...
<a href="/redir?" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://farm3.static.flic…</a>
i realized i had become addicted to caffeine again on this trip. argh. not only that i been drinking a lot of sugary things to stay awake. and its been getting worse my cravings for sugary caffeinated drinks are getting worse! all cuz i needed to stay awake. sometimes i drive and close my eyes just for a few seconds, to relax. crazy huh.
and now i know what i was feeling. i was having a sugar caffeine crash!!!! the only cure of that as far as i know is eating more!! that is what i did. at country market. oh man the food was perfect. service good. they got steak buffet, its super cheap, next to a flying j. i never had breakfast food this perfect and salty before. it may have been the best food i had since san francisco. omg it was like sweet sweet love on my tongue.
this review is fwunny! fwunny in my tummy. vote funny!!!