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    I'm a 3rd Generation Wills Pointer.

    This is a real Texas BBQ joint, not one that fancy pants city boys will like. The ribs are the best you can get without driving to Luling or Lockhart. The bbq is great. Heck even the hamburgers and chicken fry are top notch.

    Better hit it at lunch if you want to order anything you like. By afternoon they are out of ribs, baked potatos, chicken fried steak, and burgers regularly. We always call and ask what they are out of before going. Still a great place to eat, but call ahead if you are deadset on ordering something in particular.

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    I guess that if I had looked closer I would have noticed that two of the existing three reviews on this place came from local residents of this tiny town. A few weeks ago I was attending a local land auction near this town, so decided to find a BBQ place near it with a high "Yelp" rating for lunch. I arrived just before noon, excited about the prospect of some great ribs !  As I entered the restraunt, the waitress asked if I desired smoking or non smoking section - having a CHOICE -now THAT'S refreshing !

     On the way to seat me at my table, the waitress asked " You DO KNOW that we ONLY take CASH, RIGHT? ". I assured her that I had read the sign on the front door as well as the one on the wall, so I WAS familiar with that being the conditions of my getting to eat !  I ordered the half slab of ribs (that comes with two sides) and a glass of iced tea. The ribs they serve are the longer, "sparerib" type, and very meaty. I was dissapointed by my first bite of that meaty rib, and most bites thereafter as well ! The ribs I was served tasted like they had been smoked the day before and just re-heated to serve for the next day !  Although they appeared very nice, indicating that the owner uses a good quality product, they were very, very chewy and tough ! The ribs had a peppery bark on top that was just a bit too "crusty" for my taste, and had to be chewed off the bone with repeat effort, lol. I always save my rib bones for our two dogs at home, and I have been known to eat two slabs of TASTY ribs easily at one sitting. I saved three of the ribs I was served from this half rack for the "to go " box, so my wife could trim the meat off them to mix in with the dogs food.

      I had beans for one of my side orders, and they were standard Pinto beans that might have tasted better if they had been served warm - but these were flat cold ! If they HAD tasted good, I would complain about how small the serving portion was, because it was like a tiny cafeteria bowl.  My second side order ( and the best thing I ate in this place) was french fries. They serve a generous portion (basket) of long, natural cut (skin on ) fries that were served hot and fresh tasting. The iced tea was pretty good, the service attentive enough and the other patrons eating around me very friendly, so it was dissapointing that the food was not better. The locals claim that Cowboy's serve a great chicken fried steak as big as your plate and others there said they make great burgers. Although there was a good crowd there right at lunchtime - I noticed that I was the only one eating the ribs. Maybe that was just because for a tiny town they are a bit pricey, with the half rack plate at $ 11.00 and the full rack priced at a whopping $ 18.00 ..... or maybe they just knew better ! lol. A sign in the window says " Millers Llano Smokehouse Sausage" if that makes any difference to you.

      I enjoyed the "ambiance" of the friendly inquisitive locals, the decor of some truly funny bumper stickers, fishing photo's and the pleasant surprise of a clean restroom. The option of having a "smoking section" was a nice "blast from the past" and the CASH ONLY policy not a problem . Too bad the BBQ was so blah ! I might stop in here again to try the chicken fried steak, but not for the BBQ !

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    This is one my very favorite places to go eat. The ribs are to die for. Make sure you bring your appetite because you get a lot of food when you order the rib platter. The bbq sauce is awesome. Always friendly. Fells like you're going to a good friends house for dinner.Highly recommend it.

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    Great ribs, and hamburgers. Biggest & best chicken fried steak in town covers your plate.

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    The sign outside says,  "Honk if you love BBQ."

    Peep peep.  I love this joint.  This is a tasty stop if you are visiting the great state of Texas and want a friendly, small town BBQ experience.

    I admit that I have brought out of town guests here to swap our best Chuck Norris quips.  (Chuck Norris lives in the next town and has his photo in here.)  That's about all there is to do in Wills Point after you drive through the Beer Barn and browse through the five "antique shops" on Main Street.

    Did you know?  Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.

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