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    With so few places to choose from in a VERY little town in the middle of nowhere, we weren't really expecting much.  And we got a very happy surprise.  Starting with a warm greeting at the door all the way through the desert, everything was top notch.  The front wall facing the parking lot is all glass and waitress actually keep watch for people exiting their cars and walking up, and greeted every customer as they came in.  Salad bar was small but had everything we normally put in a salad plus more and everything was very fresh.  Dressings limited, but very good.  Serving size for the price was huge.   Decor and layout are pretty uninspired, but the food was delicious.  Steak and a cheeseburger, both perfect.  Burger had some kind of spice I never tasted, and I sure liked it.  There weren't many diners when we visited adn there was only one waitress, but the service was impecable.

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