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    You HAVE to stop here if you're anywhere near the area. Seriously, you haven't been to a bar like this before--I'm going to call it a cultural experience.

    First, where the hell is this place and who was the first to find it? I have no idea--on either count. There are no signs (that I recall) on the road and no obvious driveway. My best advice is to follow the directions on your phone and keep a sharp eye on the water for a barge with five American flags flying proudly. Second, yeah, that's right--this bar is on a barge in the water. Third, when you do find the driveway and get out of your car, you have to walk a rickety, lawsuit-waiting-to-happen plank (of sorts) to get to the bar. It's uneven, doesn't have any type of railing, and makes you think you're testing it's limits with every step you take--that walkway is not one you'd want to tangle with after having a few drinks.

    The bar itself is about as big as your living room. There's enough sea, fishing, and pirate decor to make you think you've been transported into Black Beard's ship. It's a visual onslaught that could easily take hours to fully grasp. Once you have a seat at the bar though, the drinks are strong, the bartenders are friendly and welcoming, and there's always a fun-loving crew out for a good time bellied up next to you.

    One thing to note: those porta potties you saw lined up outside the bar when you walked in? Those are your bathrooms.

    Oh, and if you're into full frontal female nudity, you can watch a slideshow of the Dam Saloon's annual wet t-shirt contest on a loop on the flat screen TV set up at the bar.

    It's a cultural experience.

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