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    First note: This place is under new management, with a new name. Second note: we stayed in the handicapped accessible room so parts of my review may not apply to standard rooms.

    This place is definitely on the cheaper side when it comes to pricing. You get what you pay for, but its not a bad thing. This place is a bit outdated, though I have heard that they are preparing to renovate. And largely, everything is of good quality. There isn't a large variety of channels on the TV, but there is sufficient numbers to satisfy people. The pool is centrally located and is well kept up. The servicepeople were polite and helpful. There is an advertised lounge/saloon, which we did not visit.

    The location is convenient. The hotel does not have continental breakfast but is built around a Denny's which serves good food. There is also a CVS within walking distance should you require incidentals. In addition, it is near most of the main shopping and restaurant areas.

    As to the room itself, our handicapped-accessible room had two beds, which is good for our four person family. It means we didn't have to spend more to get two rooms, since so many places have only one bed in their accessible rooms. My mother had no problem navigating the room and bathroom. The room was very clean when we arrived.

    Overall, this place will not have the thrills and extras of some of the other hotels, but it is a decent stay at a reasonable price.

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