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    Felt like I was violated when I got my bill. The drink special that at best was worth 12 dollars including the souvenir glass, but I was charged 26.95! Should have known better when the prices were not on the menu. I would never recommend this place!!

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    Really an average experience at a huge price. Food was okay, just had some burgers. Had the huge margarita and I'm pretty sure it had no alcohol in it. You get to keep the glass but was about $25. Our waiter did his best at his attempt to be a dick but just kinda seemed run down on the idea.  If you like to spend your money go across the street to Blaine's. I will not return here.  It's hard for me to give anything a 1 star rating but a few hours later and I am still feeling like I got ripped off.

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    Pretty much the most sarcastic yet naughty place I have ever drank and ate at! I went to Dolly World and wanted to finish the day off with some drinks and stopped here with the bestie. We got to wear these crazy paper hats and listen to dick jokes all night. What more could a girl ask for?! It was expensive but so worth the good drinks and dick jokes I could use back home in Cali. A big thanks to Dicks in TN! You made our stay a memorable one and the food and service was great. The drinks kept coming and got stronger with time ;)

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    First of all the server will inform you that its the place for little sarcasm. That's the speciality of Dick's, to have fun. Just caz you cannot have fun, You don't have to write bad reviews about it. That's your problem suckers...
    Me and my husband been here on our honymoon trip to gatlinburg and i will say we had a blast. we were laughing the entire time! It was a lot of fun and the food and alcohol were ok for the price. Our waiter Chris was awesome.. He made this paper hats for us OMG they are hilerious.
    We will be back :)

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    Food was great, service was quick.  Was a little pricey but in a tourist town you'll have that. Would definitely go back!

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    We had a blast!  We had 7 in our family party there aged 6 to 81 and all had a great time.  Or waitress was wonderfully awful.  The food was good, about what I would expect from a place like this.  It's really the whole experience you go for which was totally worth it,

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    Loved this place.  It was a fun and new experience while dining.  You must go in with an open mind because you can easily be offended with some of the things they say or do.  HENCE, why they call it DICKS.  The food was great and the atmosphere was hype and fun.

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    This was our first visit to the place. It was definitely a fun and new dining experience. We got the gator bites, which were good. We also got the buffalo sandwich and the mushroom burger. We would definitely come back.  Love the hats! It added to the experience. If you're looking for fun and cocky experience, go here! If you get easily offended, keep walking.  a little pricey also.

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    Ok. So... I'm not one to put up with a lot of BS and wasn't sure how I'd do at Dick's, but my wife really wanted to give it a try. I can honestly say we were pleasantly surprised. Our waitress was sassy with a southern twang and really jawed it up with the kids. I'm convinced our eight year-old was in love. The hats were hilarious, and incredibly accurate, oddly enough. The food was ok, but the experience was great. It was worth the bit of abuse.

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    So you are either one of two people looking for reviews of dicks. Those who are thinking of going, and those who went there and want to see if everyone else hated this place as much as you did.

    If you are thinking about going here you are probably going to go anyways even after seeing the bad reviews. I did. Part of you will tell yourself that the bad review are probably from people insulted by the "dicks"

    I have been here 3 times. The first time it was at lunch and it was "ok"

    The second time I had a few buddies and the server was funny. Food was mediocre. The buffalo chicken sandwich was good.

    The third time we had a awfull female server. She wasn't witty or too rude. She just yelled and threw stuff. When you order a water they give you slack about it calling you cheap. They say that they get the water from the toilets. Almost everything they day and do is a "up sell" they will give you slack over not ordering alcohol as well but water is the worst.

    If you do order a beer, watch your tab. They put a extra charge on your first beer for your glass. They will not go out of their way to remind you that you paid for your glass when you go to leave without it.

    They will try like hell to get you to buy merchandise.

    The food is waaaay overpriced. And mediocre at best but mostly bad. On our last visit we were looking forward to eating the buffalo chicken sandwhich or a burger. We could get NEITHER. On the dinner menu is nothing but a bunch of expensive stuff. I knew better to order any of it. Because their food quality is so bad. Ordered the 10$ nachos and they were worse than any nachos you can get anywhere! Taco Bell included.

    The "condom hats". On this last visit we were given peices of paper and told to make our own. We pretty much failed at that. The servers comments on the hats weren't funny. She wasn't good at her job at all.
    After leaving we were hungry for some real food so we stopped at Fannie farkles for a sausage with. Onions and peppers....now that was a great meal!

    Do yourself a favor. Do not eat at dicks.

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    We were excited to see a Dick's in Gatlinburg when we visited and tried it as our first meal there. Bad idea.

    We walked in and saw the prices of the meals and were a little hesitant to stay. We ordered drinks and pickle chips since they were out of basically everything else. The pickle chips were good and we had heard Dick's was a fun experience, so we decided to stay. We ordered the fried catfish and split it (don't do that, they literally only gave us 2 pieces of fish, which were pretty mediocre. Unfortunately that was the only dick move of the whole night.

    The place is called Dick's. They're supposed to be dicks to you, right? I was excited to see what they had to say about my boyfriend and I since we have a ton of tattoos and are very much "city folk". Well, our server was a dick about being a dick.. she was actually too nice. She paid a ton more attention to what seemed to be a table of "regulars" and literally just took our orders and that was it.

    We stayed to pay for the experience, but instead we paid for ourselves to be the experience. Fail.

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    Another place with basic food. Concept is different but not worth a repeat visit unless the food is interesting too.

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    After some shopping and looking for a place to get out of the rain my wife and I decided to try Dick's after reading the menu out front. When we got seated the server explained Dick's was a "server with an attitude" theme type restaurant. Well this type of theme style is not really my cup of tea but she did tell us ahead of time and it was really raining out so we stayed. So this review is not tainted by the attitude theme as we were told at the start what to expect and could have chosen to leave.

    The server was great and did not over do the attitude bit. She actually got some laughs out of us. What was not so good was the food. First my wife and I had a taste for the sandwiches we saw on the menu outside only to find out it was the lunch menu and not available for dinner. The dinner menu is written on chalk boards around the restaurant and is totally different from the lunch menu.

    So we ordered an appetizer and selections from the dinner menu. The appetizer was called Crabby Balls was not too bad. Think crab cakes in a ball shape with a nice dipping sauce. The entrees were disasters. I had the Big Woody which are four large beef ribs. Looked good, smelled good but were 100% uneatable. They were so tough I know where the "Woody" came from. My wife had The Dolly which was a chicken breast dish. She thought the dish was very bland. The best thing were the fries.

    We each had two glasses of wine with our meal and received a bill for $73. A very high bill for very poorly made food. Dick's would not be on our must go again list.

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    Terrible experience. Food was GROSS. And chicken tenders, a chicken sandwich, mozzarella sticks and 5 beers was $62. Are you kidding?

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    Make this your last resort!
    We left service was BAD!

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    I am only giving it a two because I loved the service and how they treated you with sarcasm, but it's not worth it for the food.

    Outside on the sign it showed that they had sandwiches, which I clearly did not look at close enough since that's only for lunch. And because I have ulcerative colitis (Like crohns disease) I was wanting a sandwich, but I chose the dolly. Which was terrible. The green beans were way too salty, rice was gross, and the two breasts of chicken was the size of one.

    In other words, if you like the service and can eat fried food the place may be for you, but the price is ridiculous for such small portions.

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    Dicks was awful stop lunch no soups or sandwichs offered , Service was very slow  and poor ,food was burned up ,chicken strips burned to a crisp? Beef ribs  was old  I think , We drop a 120 bucks there never again ? Money Pit !

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    Fun time.  Very watered down compared to the Myrtle Beach location.  Get a server named Whitney.  Very good.  Drinks are pretty expensive but I had a Beer-Rita.  MMMMMMMM!!!  $18 each.  The fried chicken is realllyyyyyyyyy good.  Comes with spicy corn and masked potatoes.  Worth the money.  think the bill was $85 for 2 people and we didnt get an app or a salad.  Alcohol is expensive here.  I gave it 4/5 stars because the entertainment should be amped up there.  If youre a Jesus freak and you get mad when people pick on you then dont go.  The rest of us drunk sinners want to have some fun. And because the drinks are soooo expensive.  But the food and service were great!!  Thanks WHITNEY!!!

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    I understand the schtick that is Dick's Last Resort, but don't make assumptions about what we'd spend our money on.  Drinks automatically served in souvenir glasses cost $2.50 more for each drink.  "Would you like a coozy for your beer?".  That'll be $4 that showed up on our bill.  When I asked the waiter about the glass he said he could take it off the bill if I really didn't want it, but c'mon it makes his sales go down.  He also stated something regarding the company Vice President being in town and us needing to be good to him so he looks good.  Wait staff need to be in tune to their customers and adjust their pitch accordingly.  Food was disgusting and overpriced.  Soggy horrid nachos.  I will never go back to a Dick's Last Resort anywhere.

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    I got fed up of getting fed up give a view or two and share it please
    <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJImcNcOF_Ug%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&s=53d4556b3f6ba1038b6953b918caacff60af1e49f215018a376bcabda40ed731" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/w…</a>

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    Stopped there tonight ..... they were busy, and the wait for a table wasn't excessive.  No sandwiches or burgers are offered after lunchtime.  You have to order appetizers if you don't want a large meal.  I ordered the chicken fried chicken and it was good.  Filled me up, though.

    Everyone there seemed to be having a good time.

    A bit pricey, but then again, this IS Gatlinburg.  Military discount is available

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    Terrible food which was VERY VERY OVER PRICED for what you got... Terrible mixed drinks. Fun atmosphere but don't expect much when it comes to their main food... Ribs tasted gross...wings tasted even worse... The only thing that was good was the one appetizer we ordered... Which was deep fried GATOR-BITES...But is one appetizer really worth even checking this place out... um...no.

    STAY FAR FAR FAR AWAY from this place...A total waste of money...

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    This place pretty much sucks.
    First of all, if you have a large group and just 1 or 2 people aren't there...don't expect to be seated until everyone arrives. I don't know why some restaurants do this, but it's a pain in the ass. Anyway, the guy that was the host the night we went was really nice and did his best to get us seated, and I appreciate that.
    Our server on the other hand, was horrible. I'm not dumb, I get the concept and that the theme is based on sarcasm and being rude, and that is the exact reason our group wanted to go. We have excellent senses of humor and were looking forward to it. But this fool just gave us the WORST service I've ever had.
    I'll just list the issues, since that's easiest:
    Took 20 minutes to get him to ask us for our drink order.
    Took 20 more minutes to get 6 waters.
    Took 30 minutes to get 2 bottled beers. I don't get it, you just pull them out of a cooler and pop the top off...why does it take so long?
    An hour later one of our friends still hadn't even gotten their margarita, which obviously wasn't even wanted at that point.
    Appetizers came out with our entrees, and we all know how much everyone LOVES that.
    2 people in our group didn't even get their entrees because the kitchen "forgot" them. So those poor people just sat and watched us eat our 2 bites of food (pitiful portions)
    The kitchen also "forgot" to make our buffalo chicken tenders with buffalo sauce.
    Nothing was hot.
    Everyone was hungry when we left.
    Oh yeah, and I had to throw up after we left.
    I would guess you get the point by now.

    Any time we tried to have these problems addressed, we got a nice little attitude from our server. Again, I get the point of this place, but when these problems happen, lose the attitude and take care of it. The two missing meals did get comp'd, at least.
    The hats our group got were pretty damn funny and we had a great laugh with that, and some of the other little things that went on here.
    In a nutshell: It's a tourist trap. If you are the least bit interested, go there to enjoy a laugh and the overall experience, and never go again. Expect to pay an arm and a leg for cold crappy food.

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    The best thing about Dick's Last resort, is that it is something NEW to do in Gatlinburg. My husband and I were so happy to be greeted by several new restaurants on our recent trip to Gatlinburg. We went to Dick's late Friday evening, for some food, beer and live music. My husband got a large bottle of Corona and I got a 32oz Miller lite for about $7.50 each. For our late night snack we ordered the buffalo chicken tenders, which were GREAT. We also ordered the nachos, which were BAD.
    I've been to a Dick's Last Resort in Myrtle Beach, and this one fails in comparison. The staff is made up of young hipster types, who seem to recycle the same insults all day paying no attention to the actual people they are insulting. It seems like a rinse and repeat service for each staff member.
    The restaurant itself is nice inside, clean and spacious. The "condom" hats are a must, and they were actually a great accessory to our wardrobe in the freezing December temperature!
    I will go back to Dick's Last Resort again for the Chicken Tenders and because there is a limited amount fun bars in Gatlinburg.

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    Yes, this is the restaurant where servers are SUPPOSE to be rude. It is part of the shtick. Our server was a loud mouth older gentlemen with dyed blonde hair. We were a large party that was divided into 2 tables that were not connected, which sucked. But sometimes dining rooms in restaurants can't accommodate large groups, no fault of their own. However, they give you pieces of paper to eat on (yes pieces of paper.) Which, I get it is suppose to be a "rude" place, but when you are paying $18+ per entree, give us some plates. The food is mediocre bar food. You are basically paying for the experience, and not the food. If I want to pay a lot for shitty service, I wil call my cable company.
    Our server had us write down own drink order, he brought out our soft drinks quickly, and the alcoholic drinks came out with the appetizers. :o( The people in our party actually thought I wrote the drink order wrong because it was taking so long to get their drinks.  
    When you go to Ed Debevic's in Chicago, which is the same concept (rude, sarcastic servers) at Debevic's the food is actually good, and you get plates, and although the servers there are rude, they are quick with bringing out what you ordered.

    So overall, happy I experienced it, but would not recommend or return.

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    This place is for pure ridiculous entertainment. They harass you, abuse you, sling insults towards you... basically make you feel like you want to go hide in a corner curled up in the fetal position, sucking your thumb while rocking your self as you listen to Journey on your ipod. If that's still ok with you since your not any stranger from that type of abuse then drown your sorrows in their extra potent cocktails. The food is o.k. Comparable to any 2-3 star restaurant. I had blackened Salmon salad. Ummm.... It's what I always order at American restaurants.. It was good considering it was previously frozen. It's a fun and entertaining place to go with a group of friends. The food and drinks aren't bad.

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    What an awesome restaurant, food outstanding as well as was the service. Glad you finally made it to Gatlinburg

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