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    I'd skip this if I were you. We were looking forward to was what thought to be a quaint Christmassy evening.  The food is mediocre. They can't cook it there, so it must be kept warm and then served.  The prime rib didn't survive this.  A train that travels at 7 miles an hour (as they explained) is not a train ride.  You could walk about that fast.  Worst of all is the entertainment.  It really seemed as if they improvised most of it, and not well.  There was a guitar player comedian who was the best part of it all, but not good enough to make up for the rest of it.  And for all of this, we paid 70 dollars a person (drinks not included).  If you go, you'll feel cheated at the end of the night.  Maybe others had a different experience, but my review is totally honest.

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    It was definitely a fun night.  I think the cost to fun ratio is a little light, but not by much.  The actors are very funny and they did a great job with our group.  The beer prices are reasonable ($4 for a micro-brew), but the mixed drinks are a bit on the expensive side.

    I'd recommend going in the summer, once the sun set on our fall train ride, you lost some of the coolness of being on a train, as you couldn't see outside.

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    This was a very fun experience.  They did a murder mystery during our dinner that was based on Desperate Housewives, very funny and cute.  We only had one problem though- when they took our reservation they set it for charlotte, michigan, so when we got there they didn't have the table ready.  Then it took them forever to set it up, they acted like it was our fault that they wrote down the wrong reservation.  But after that it was good.  The show was very entertaining and the food was great.  I had the prime rib and it was perfect.  Plus, I guessed right who did it, woo hoo.

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