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    Menu is very interesting and has some unusual but tasty-looking offerings.  The place is still too big to fill and, at the moment, it smells like the toilet has backed up.  I'd like to tell you how the beer and chicken wings are, but I still haven't gotten either.   Plenty of TVs, staff is slow and unenthusiastic.

    Update:  got my hot wings.  The sauce is not very good and, for all the time they took to get here, are undercooked at the bone.  They taste like they were defrosted in a microwave and tossed in the oven.  I will not waste money here again--another money-pit waiting to go under.

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    Someone has finally taken over the vacant restaurant space on rte 56 in Butmoor, and it promises to be a tasty venture.  My bride and I were actually heading over to a Mexican place on the Butner side of Creedmoor when we spied a full parking lot here and made a quick decision to check it out.  I had spent my day performing with my band in Sanford, where nothing was open on a Saturday afternoon for the hours in between lunch and dinner, so by the time I got home to Creedmoor, my tummy was grumbling mean and nasty things about not being fed...

    Some of the ambiance of the old restaurant remains... the knotty pine walls and server station by the entrance-way are actually an appealing and rustic decor, but that's where the old ends.  The new begins over to the left.  There are a couple of pool tables and video games by the entrance.  The private dining room appears to be gone and the floor of the dining area is painted to represent a football field.  We counted 19 televisions.  Where the buffet used to be is now the bar.  It looks like there's still some renovation going on, as though there might be a second bar to be set up over by the billiards and video games.

    We asked our server, Heather, when the place opened, and she replied "Today, we decided to do a 'silent open'" then she motioned to the owner and he stopped over to greet us and thank us for stopping in.

    The food was pretty darn good!  I hadn't had brisket that good since a trip I took to Austin, TX about 10 years ago.  For $13, the portion was HUGE, over top some smashed taters and a side of perfectly done whole green beans.  My bride agreed that the food was terrific.  My daughter was loving her food until I told her what it was (oops!!!).  Note to self, never tell my 9 y/o she's eating pulled pork BBQ, especially when she's raving about how good it is - game over, instantly the fork went down and she was done.  Guess what I'm having for lunch today!  We didn't really try the bar food, but we did get an appetizer called Hoosier Dip.  This was a concoction of chicken pieces in a sauce made of wing sauce and bleu cheese crumbles topped with crumbled ritz crackers served with tortilla chips for scooping out the dip - fantastic stuff!

    I'm glad to see the space occupied with what appears to be a decent restaurant and I hope it works out for the owner.  The last restaurant at that location didn't last very long for a variety of reasons, none of which would apply to Dios.

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