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    The owners are relatives of mine so here goes my quasi-objective review:

    Dob-bros is classic rural diner fare consisting of regional quirks (fries on salads) and most classics with a pretty big selection of sandwiches and dinner entrees from various ethnicities.  Most often when places try to do too much, they never do any one thing well and that really isn't the case here.  While there aren't many true standouts (the reuben is one, the steak sandwich is another) on the menu, there aren't really any potholes either.  My only gripe would be the lack of details/effort such as passing the opportunity to easily make something from scratch when possible (for instance having real mashed potatoes when its with a special) instead of using instant or out of a bag.  That said, there is a lady on staff who bakes and her rolls and homemade wheat bread are fantastic.

    If you're in the area or passing by, its totally worth your time.

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