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    Cool outside bar

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    My husband and I had visited the Dragoon about a year and a half ago and had an amazing time.  There was live music and, although no one else was dancing, I couldn't resist.  Once I started other women joined me and it turned into one of those "celebration of life" moments.  Dancing in the moonlight against the vast, mountainous backdrop that is the back wall of the saloon provided me with a great memory so we returned this past weekend and were not disappointed.  Although the music was not live, the owner made his special drink for me, a Kraigalicious and my husband and I sat there for several hours enjoying the colorful and friendly company of the locals.  This is clearly not a place frequented by tourists and spending the evening there made us feel as though we were temporary residents of Tombstone.  We were regaled by stories of how various residents of the town had ended up there and enjoyed nachos that Kraige graciously allowed us to order from a nearby restaurant.  This is a place to which we will return whenever we are in Tombstone- we hope to return again soon as the aura of the town always captivates us.

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    Been there more times than I can count.  It's my favorite drinking place in Tombstone.  Open air bar, always good music on the weekends.  Full of "colorful" locals, some bring pet parrots, their dogs, etc.  Good place for bikers.  Great place to dance on weekend nights.  In cooler weather they burn two large campfires.  This is just a very fun place.  Always feel welcome there.

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