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    My fiance and I were in town visiting my cousins around the 4th of July, and we dined here on Friday the 5th.  I used to come here when I was little with my parents and grandfather whenever we'd be visiting, and I always loved the food.  

    It was hopping and super busy, which is good and good for business!  There are 2 sections inside-smoking and non-smoking (we were at first confused, but recalled we were in Kentucky-up in the Northeast in the last few years, state laws have been passed which don't allow smoking and non-smoking sections anymore-it reminded us of when we were younger).  We chose non-smoking.  Also some KY state police were dining there too.  Staff are attentive, kind, and very fast.  It's also a comfortable dining environment and bright-colored inside.

    Upon being seated you get to have homemade chips and salsa, and the salsa is served in a tall glass which is really cool.  We got some delicious chalupas for appetizers, and then the entrees came out pretty quickly after.  Chris got a taco salad, and I got chicken fajitas.  Just be prepared, the portions are large, but definitely delicious!  We wanted desert but we were too full, but would love to come back again soon!

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