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    Definitely the best Mexican food I've tasted in Calaveras County.  I would drive an hour for one of their margaritas - seriously big enough to share with a friend! I love how it's out in the middle of nowhere, too.  Means you can pretty much always get a table any time. The bar's cafe tables are the place to sit - totally different feel from the rest of the dining areas; more like a sports bar in there with all the TVs (although one time we took the kids there and got to watch the entire Simpsons Movie on the big screen over the fireplace!). The fajitas are fabulous, & the chili verde was delish!  & the fact that it's family-owned and operated means that all the employees have a stake in the restaurant's success - and it shows!  :)

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    The restaurant was clean, the service was good, just not excited about the food.  Everything tasted bland and just OK.

    The bar looked pretty decent and could be a nice draw for this place.

    This will most likely be our last visit here.

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    Mainstream dishes were quite good, fresh warm fluffy chips a plus. Burritos, tacos, rice, quesadilla all very good. A calamari steak dish smothered with sauces was a Miss--sauces ok, but Calamari tasted stale, frozen; should be avoided, though they get credit for trying variety. Wood burning fireplace in adjacent bar gives homey touch and fragrance. Will try again, sans calamari!!

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    The restaurant itself is about a 7 on 1-10 scale in cleanliness, pretty average for a non-chain mexican food restaurant.

    The staff is a 10 for being friendly and very attentive.

    Before I talk about the food, I have to first inform you that I am a vegetarian (thanks to high cholesterol problems) and even when I sneak a bit of meat here and there, I absolutely loathe pork (a slight allergy to it also)!

    Well, no matter what I tried here, always broke out in rash. Once, when finally quizzing a waitress about ingredients in their beans, rice, salsa, etc., found out they they put lard in absolutely EVERYTHING! For those who may not know, lard is pig fat. No wonder their food gave me problems.

    Their tortilla chips are not cooked in lard (they come pre-packaged), but they "recycle" their chips from the tables. In other words, if you do not eat all the complimentary chips in your basket, someone else will end up finishing them for you. Yes, I'm dead serious. Watch what happens when they clean off a table after the guests have left and the basket is still full of chips. You won't eat them anymore!

    Anyway, since their beans, rice, tortillas, etc. contains lard, I can't eat there. In this day and age, why would anyone still cook with lard? Even restaurants in Mexico stopped using lard for goodness sake! If you are Jewish, Muslim, 7th Day Adventist, allergic, obese, 4H pig farmer, etc., beware. Pig fat hidden within...

    About the only thing safe to consume at El Torero is soda.  MAYBE....

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    I think this is the best one
    More seafood dishes and a lot of really yummy choices. good value for the amount you get, it is a little milder in sauce more flavors than just Red chili sauce, Don't know just how to explain, and the beans are more whole than all mashed up.
    Hubby's likes the Crab and shrimp Enchiladas

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