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    They advertise $2 drinks but charge $3 instead for a "mixed" drink that contains an undetectable amount of liquor. Politely lodged a complaint and the manager and bartender told me I was wrong. Evidently they knew what I was tasting better than I did. So much for customer service 101. Don't waste your time or money here.

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    This place reminds me of home! It's got a wonderful interior and lots of room toward the back. The setting and the lounge feel is wonderful for parties or small parties. THe drinks here are reasonably priced too. There's always plenty of room especially if you're trying to get away from the more crowded places and want lots of room.

    It gets a 3 only because the food here is really average. I ordered bacon macaroni and cheese and it was bland. I like the atmosphere though and the service is great. I would just get my food elsewhere next door for a cheaper price. I never seen macaroni and cheese given in such small portions. But then again it is a tapa place...

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    This place is horrible. My husband (the amazing Leon A.) reviewed this and I had to put my 2 cents in as well. Avoid this place at all costs. There is zero attention to detail, the food is horrendous (seriously, really that bad). It's supposed to be upscale but that is clearly not the case.
    Save your money and go elsewhere. There are plenty of other good quality restaurants that care about their customers, the food they serve and their business.

    If I could take out a billboard to warn people about this place, I would.
    Don't say you weren't warned.

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