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    Definitely a little gem. Great food for an "ice cream joint". I've dined at Chicago and Louisville's best. This is by far Owingsville's best!!!

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    In a small town like Owingsville, restaurant options are pretty limited. Luckily, Owingsville has a little gem like Erma's!

    Nothing hits the spot better on a hot summer day like this old fashioned dairy bar. You can get everything from fried pickles and catfish to peanut butter milkshakes and stromboli. It's also made to order from scratch, which makes it that much more delicious.

    My personal favorite is the Erma Burger. Seriously on my top 5 list of best burgers I've ever ate. Not to mention, they placed #3 in Kentucky's Best Burgers contest back in 2009.

    The only downfall is that I wish it was open all year round! Since this little dairy bar has no heat, it is only open during the warm months of the year. It's torture, but well worth the wait!

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