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    Finally! Closer to California, they know what a lettuce wrap is! Yummy though it's poorly made. What do I expect?

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    They dropped the keys into the fryer and had to fish it out with some other object!!

    After three people were waiting at 1 in the morning for someone to come to the register while 3-4 people where horsing around in the back, clearly aware that we where present, one person left, the other had to go behind the counter to look for someone to take our order, and that person came by slowly.

    I only wanted a sweet tea to keep me up after a long trip on my way to Chicago, he took his sweet time, gave me the cup and when I want to fill it up, I found there was no sweet tea, went to the other station, also empty, had to go back wait for the person to take the other of yet another poor victim, and let him know that there was no tea.  I did not know if he was going to do anything about it, but ended up telling someone else to see about preparing the sweet tea, everyone just seemed to be horsing around back there and where finally starting to come back out, but still horsing around.  I did not know if they where ever going to prepare the sweet tea.

    Apparently someone dropped the keys into the fries fryer, and all 4 people where trying to figure out how they would take it out, got the keys out with some item, but I now question how tainted that oil must be if they drop the keys in and use other items to fish them out, I was really starting to reach my frustration point.  

    It did not seem like they where going to prepare any sweet tea and my party had been waiting for me for a while already to leave so I just asked for my money back.  Mind you it had already been over 15 minutes since I had ordered the sweet tea.  The person called the person whose keys had fallen into the fryer to give me the refund, and she decided it was appropriate to tell me that she had dropped the keys but was about to prepare the tea, then threw the money on the counter.  It took a lot out of me to resist saying anything to her arrogant self and will opt instead on making sure the managers check the cameras.  In the mean time I would strongly suggest anyone that thinks of stopping at this location to keep in mind that the the employees here are so careless that I would now question the quality of any food item that comes out of this restaurant.

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    I got a soda and a small order of fries from here. The fries were great! They were a lot better than some other fast-food options.

    However, the service here, while friendly enough, was pretty slow.

    I literally watched my order sit behind the counter, while three or four employees just stood around and chatted.

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    Worst burgers I have ever had and my standards for burgers is not that high.  Generally, if it is a burger, it's at least a three.  Not here.  

    This is the danger of traveling by car, you are trapped on the hwy and eat somewhere you know you should not.  

    Don't stop here for lunch, there has to be something better down the road.

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    Had the chicken burrito.  It was fine.  But, they were out of diet coke on one of their soda machines, then I discovered how super slow they were.  They only had one cash register open, but the young lady running it took everyone's order in a timely fashion.  That just highlighted the fact that the kitchen was WAY behind in making the food.  I can only hope it was slow because someone did not come to work, because to be that slow in a location like this where everyone is traveling is almost criminal!

    Can't comment on the floor, because it is in a food court and they don't have complete control of their space.

    Better service would equal more stars, but hey, it was poor at best.  Thank goodness the food was OK.

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