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    In this day of chain restaurants, it's nice to find a simple, family run  restaurant that offers good food, good service, and nice atmosphere.  Hattie J's gives you just that!

    The owners took an old building, "rescued" it, and made it into a nice family restaurant, tucked away in Trotwood.  This area has needed such a place for some time, and this place does not disappoint.

    Hattie J's offers Louisiana style ribs, chicken, fish, a daily special, salads, various vegetables, and home-made desserts. The ribs & chicken are very flavorful, and the sweet potato pie was great!

    ...BUT, the the thing my husband and I enjoyed the most about this restaurant was the warm, friendly service we got from everyone there.  It's the kind of atmosphere that makes you want to return, relax,  and sit awhile with your meal.

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