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    Great coffee, cute local gifts and crafts and the most amusing survival section in the back of the store, but WiFi doesn't work.

    They have a good selection of coffee, espresso, food and teas in the cafe. In the store is lots of local canned foods, mixes, crafts, and other food goods. Great place to pick up gifts for people who like unique, local items.  Wish the wifi was working, but that was my main disappointment with the place.

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    We have a getaway home in Thomson along Riverview and I have been enjoying the Heirloom Market sinced they opened. I love the country and the Market. The market offers some of the best corn I ever had in my life. The starter vegetable plants I bought there are yeilding more blooms then I've ever seen. I love the country decor and handmade feel of many of the products sold in the market. So on my last visit 2 weeks ago I picked up some corn and noticed the cafe was open. I walked through and felt how quaint is was. I drove home and picked up my husband to take him to lunch. You order at the counter (doesn't anyone in Thomson or Savanna believe in service anymore). I inquired about the tuna being white meat or not and was told, "yes the tuna is white meat". I ordered the tuna with a side salad and my husband ordered the rueben sandwich with a salad. After ordering there is a counter where you pick up plastic utensil, condiments and there is a nice glass jar filled with iced water and lemon. There is a chalk board above the counter and you're welcome to leave a message. We sat down after getting our needs and looked around. We noticed there is a stage and I thought how fun that would be to come here and see some local talent on the weekends. I'll have to check that out. On the tables are adorable jars of beans and or seeds as a centerpiece adding to the country ambiance. So our food arrives on these biodegradable plates. Hey I'm for that but why not a real plate. The plastic utensils were practically useless. My white meat tuna was not white meat which tasted pretty fishy. My husbands rueben had 2 slices of meat and some cheese and he asked me, "doesn't a rueben come with sauerkraut"? They forgot the sauerkraut. My husband took the sandwich back and had to wait in line behind 4 people now ordering at the counter. By the time he got  his turn he was pretty aggrevated and asked for a refund. He was offered a coupon for next time. Now on another note the side salad with poppyseed dressing was delish!! When we left there were several guests seated in these beautiful amish rockers and they were talking about the cafe and one lady had a belly ache. Another complained about her rueben because she didn't get the 1000 dressing with hers. She didn't want to wait in the line to get it.
    All in all this is a new business and I think they will get the kinks out. I'll try again perhaps. Maybe not.  But, I'll be back to shop the market and get some corn.

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