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    Nice atmosphere for a laid back simple meal. But unfortunately, our meal was not so hot.

    - While the appetizers were good (we enjoyed both the artichoke dip and the shrimp and grits apps), the seafood baguette was a atrocious.

    We both ordered the seafood baguette, it sounded good on the menu. But any chef who would send this dish out to a customer is a joke...
    - thick layer of cream cheese with NO seafood to be found
    - more melted cheese on top of the cream cheese
    - tasteless tomato and lettuce

    Neither of us could eat this beast of cheese on cheese madness. Gross.

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    Travel through WV and decided to stop for some time out of the car. Neat surprise. Fun stuff to see and super nice people. Ask for a tour, they'll give you one.

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    Love this place.  Relaxing, great food and people.

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    I've been here twice.  The first time was a few weeks ago with my wife and daughter.  They weren't very busy, service was sort of slow but the food was OK and it was a pretty evening, so not much to complain about.  I tasted some of the moonshine and bought a bottle for my boss.

    I went back tonight with a group of about 10 and the service was atrocious.  30 minutes before an order was taken, 2 and a half hours of waiting for some simple sandwiches and salads that would have taken about 10 minutes to cook at home and  another 30 minutes trying to pay the bill to finally leave.

    Over 3 hours for very basic food and a few pitchers of beer (that we had to order multiple times to actually get brought to our table) is just ridiculous.  Also, for some reason there were multiple dogs running around the dining area, running under tables and generally being annoying.  I can dig the farm atmosphere, but give me a break.

    The outside area is cool and definitely has potential, but I just can't get over the service issues.   I'm going to have to wait awhile before I get up the nerve to try it again after tonight.

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    A hidden gem amongst the hills of West Virginia. We were in town for a nearby festival and hoping for a little adventure. We found a great wine and shine tasting in this charming, tucked away place. The lemon cello slushie was delicious and the food was great, though I warn that if you're from DC you may be caught by surprise by the large portion size. Enjoy!

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