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    We were in the area for a festival, and kept driving past this place. After reading some of the positive reviews on Yelp, and because of the hilariously awesome name, we just couldn't resist trying this place. Our family really does like a good buffet - we're all adventurous eaters and we like getting a little bit of everything. We also enjoy pot-luck style southern food so I was excited about the potential here after reading the reviews. What a mistake. This was like a church potluck for a congregation with no teeth and no taste buds. Everything was mushy, and nothing was delicious.
    Most of the food was passably mediocre. Several things were downright bad. The salad bar is 100% prepackaged "Sysco" type stuff - bagged iceberg lettuce, mini-carrots, canned black olives, etc. The fried chicken was fine. The meatloaf was fine. The ribs were fine. At least, that's what I thought. My husband didn't find a single thing he liked. There was a macaroni and beef dish that was not very good. It had some extra texture in it - I think breadcrumbs, that was very unexpected and misplaced.  There was also a rice and ground beef dish that looked a little like a departure from Spanish Rice, and was frankly disgusting. The taste was okay, but there was a very pasty, gummy texture which had no business in food.
    I will say this. The rolls they brought to the table were delicious. Honestly. I loved them.

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    Not a bad buffet at all. It was pretty much the only choice in the area, and it's kind of hard to be a vegetarian traveling through this part of the county, but they had lots of home cooked vegetable sides and a great salad bar.

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    Buffet was good not a bad thing on it.  The salad bar was missing a meat to top the salad with.  But everything was super fresh even hand made ranch.  The MAC and cheese was a home run.

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    This place is a nightmare. I do however have two good things to say. The Staff was delightful. The other is that I did not get sick. Eat at your own risk.

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    Great southern food (barbecue, chicken, porkchops, mashed taters & gravy, casseroles) with a salad bar and yummy dessert bar and friendly, great service despite how busy they were and easy on & off access from I-40. Definitely eating here on the way back too!

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    Day six of our road trip to San Diego, stop 1.

    Ahh, the Pig Out Palace. I've been here lotsa times. On some occasions it's been the Thanksgiving dinner spot for my family as the two family contingents met halfway between Oklahoma City and Van Buren.

    This time I had Sarah in tow and we just left my grandma in Van Buren and were on our way to visit some relatives in Oklahoma City. Now, we had a big breakfast before we left grandma's, and weren't hungry enough for a full buffet, but I had to show Sarah the pig art, the pig gift center, and the home of so many great memories for me.

    Once in the door, we saw they offered free WIFI... and as any addicts to Internet access would do, we stuck around to get some surfing and email done.

    After a few minutes, we ended up getting the buffet anyway, but just for salad. After eating so much southern food the past few days, we were feeling buttered out. Buttered biscuits, buttered vegetables, buttered eggs and toast, butter butter butter! Everywhere butter!

    The salad bar was fresh and well stocked. The coleslaw was sweet and creamy, the cucumber and onion salad was a bit strong but still sweet, and there were two corn salsas to choose from... and I LOVE corn salsa. It did take some effort not to dip into the stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes and fried chicken, but I managed to keep away.

    We didn't stay but an hour, but that was long enough for two trips to the salad buffet each, and a lot of surfing under the belt. Even with two trips to the salad buffet, we felt a lot better, our butter detox having already started.

    Tip: get the salad and soup buffet only and you save! Seven and change for all the salad and soup you can eat.

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    i visited this place on a many, many, many days long road trip a long time ago. but i remember it well, cos i took a million photos, and lance bought a shirt & then we just talked about it for days, i think because of the name. it is a pretty good name.

    it's a cheap buffet, and the food is middle of the road to slightly gross, but you're welcome to stuff your face with as much of it as you'd like.

    also, it's one of those restaurants where they ask you if you want to sit in the smoking section or not, cos OMG, IT'S IN OKLAHOMA. who smokes at breakfast, anyway? that's NASTY.

    oh AND: there is this swingset and all these awesome tin drum piggies right next to the restaurant, which is why it gets three stars instead of two! duh.

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