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    The Catfish at the Iredell Cafe is some of the best I've ever had.  It's one of those "can't stop eating" moments.  Plus, the staff is friendly, the prices are right, and the tables are clean.  I highly recommend making the drive.

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    The price wasn't too bad but the service was less than stellar. When there is only one other table in the restaraunt, there is no reason why my drink should remain empty. The fries were not warm but the burger wasn't too bad. My major complaint was the fact that the waitress was standing around and the tables still had the previous diner's food still on them (at least three tables).

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    I ate at the Iredell Cafe on a Friday night at around 6 pm. When I got there, there were 2 other couples, by the time my meal was over, the place was packed. I had the fried catfish. The fish had cornmeal and was fried in peanut oil, nice and crunchy...just the way I like it. For a one horse town...it is well worth the drive to eat the catfish.

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