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    We had asked elsewhere in town for recommendations on bars in the region to check out, and after getting the run-down on bars in other towns, the local resident sighed and told us about a place much closer...

    "There's also Jim's Silver Dollar around the corner, but you don't want to go. That place is a complete dump. Dirty, disgusting. Really nasty. Nasty people, too. [leaning in] True white trash. [leaning more and motioning towards the guys at the far end of the bar] Even worse than what you get in here. And it's expensive, you'll pay a buck-fifty, maybe even a buck seventy-five."

    Well, with an endorsement like that, how could we possibly NOT go there?  :)

    This place wasn't bad at all... exactly the type of dive we like. The antique bar was incredible and  the ceiling was ornate.  We got our Old Milwaukee draws and sat down at a table.  Behind us the past and present co-existed, as a  rustic old-timey piano sat right next to a TouchTunes jukebox.

    The men's room was a bit odd... basically a closet with a toilet -- no sink and no working light. I found I had to prop the door open with my foot to let in enough light to make sure "everything was lined up right" before letting the door close and taking care of business in the dark.

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