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    Not so much.

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    This place doesn't do anything for me..... just another big chain with nothing to really rave about..... I've eaten here about 15 times since it opened and never really wanted to come back.....the food seems overpriced to me too..... Can't really comment on the bar area since I don't drink but the abr area does seem to be the big draw to this place....

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    I came here on a whim a few days ago. They had Fajitas on special that night. They weren't good. The plate with the actual Fajita fixings was very small, and had very little chicken (and strangely, tomatoes cooked with the onion and bell pepper, I don't know if the chef has ever had fajitas before, but...no). However, the plate with the lettuce and cheese and sour cream and rice is HUGE. More cheese and lettuce than I could ever need.

    Now, you might be saying "How could you judge a place named Johnny O'Quigley's based on their fajitas? Why not try a Reuben or some other Irish dish before judging?"

    Well, lets be frank here, this place is as Irish as a Pizza Hut is Italian. For the love of god, their drinks menu has a whole page dedicated to CAR BOMBS. You walk into an authentic Irish establishment and order a car bomb, you're liable to be punched.

    Overall, this place has the same kinda feel as an Applebees. The food tastes frozen, the walls and ceiling are cluttered with knick-knacks and flair.

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    Seriously nice Bar with flat screens in all directions,  not a large restaurant section but the short wait times on their Irish themed food makes up for the lack of space. Amazingly hot wings and Cold brews on tap, always in season and complemented with two full bars. Johnny's is a must visit!!

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    Service was a disaster!!!! Waited 20 min for a drink. Food came and never saw waitress again! Ate hot wings without a drink. Looked around and waitresses playing with each others hair, applying make-up! Asked to speak to manger and the manger was one that was doing art work right next to us. She never once noticed our obvious and loud remarks about the service. Unacceptable service! I wouldn't even give this place 1 star.

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    Went there today and ordered the fish tacos. When I got my order it all started out good but I found a huge hair in the plate. The server quickly took the plate away and replaced my dish with another selection. Overall the food was good but I just don't know when I will return due to the hair in my food. I know it wasn't done on purpose but it still didn't set well with me or my wife.

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    Looked forward to the opening of the Johnny O'Quigley's after eating at the one in Destin on several occasions.  The atmosphere is nice but the service and food are just not that great.  Recently they changed the best food item, the round fries to the standard hollow freezer fries.  Really nothing special, just your average American bar food.  Good place to socialize and grab a few drinks.

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    Poor food quality.
    We tried this place twice and it is not very good. Service was OK overall and the waiter and waitress on each day were prompt and courteous. The atmosphere is excellent being fun and busy with memorabilia hanging from the ceiling. We started with an appetizer of fried cheese which was great but when the main course came it went down from there. I ordered ribs since their menu said that their ribs are "smoked every day" in their own apple wood smoker, I love smoked ribs! The ribs had NO smoke flavor to them at all, none at all. The worst was that the meat tasted like it had been cooked one day then refrigerated then reheated. There was no smoke ring on the meat just a grey ring which made me think that they were boiled (the baked beans had a distinct smoke flavor which was better than the rib meat). The chicken strip meal (Cottage Chicken N' Chips) was good and their fries are potato slices which was also good. The Twisted O'Quigley sandwich (turkey, ham and cheese) was very bland. The worst was the Irish Fish and Chips, my child took tow bites and didn't want any more so I'm thinking hand them over (since the ribs were horrible). The fish was so fishy tasting I couldn't eat it at all and I'm thinking that a cat would turn its nose up to it..... it was BAD! By then the meal was over and all I wanted to do was just get out. The desert (a multi layered chocolate cake) was good but was obviously frozen and thawed when ordered. All this was over $80.....unacceptable since Whataburger would be cheaper, and have been better quality. The second time we went was because of a friends request, so I thought give it another try but order other items on the menu. Long story short... the Ruben was bland and the sauerkraut tasted like it was soaked with a cigar (that's what it tasted like) because it had a weird taste to it. The Daddy's Nasty Nachos tasted like it had Old El Paso taco season packet sprinkled on it and the guacamole was flavorless with a greasy mouth feel. The onion rings are good. Sorry to be long winded but it cost too much and the food is very poor quality. It's a shame because we had hoped that this would be a better restaurant that would eliminate the drive to Destin for quality food.

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    Not impressed!!  Got fish and chips, fully expected the center to be frozen. The fish and shrimp looked and tasted like it was frozen and not fresh. Don't think that they prepare anything there, it's all pre cooked or frozen. Son order pizza and he didn't like it. On top of that one of the waitresses hit my chair every time she walked by. Won't be back

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    If first impressions are lasting then I'll have to go back and give it another shot... both entrees were burned.  Steak was burned and I couldn't force the "blackened" grouper down.  It was removed from the bill, but not a good dining experience.  The wait staff was excellent and it's atmosphere is very appealing...

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