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    There are not that many hamburger stands in Marion and this is a country location at the edge of the curve on the Sturgis Highway. About three to five years ago this place underwent some remodeling and the place still has that country charm. Parking is on their lot. There is a walk up window that may be open sometimes---never was when we were there. You order at the front counter and you meal is prepared in the next few minutes or in our case this last time 25 minutes. Have to say the service was very slow however it was Friday night and the local high school was playing football at home. We ordered the large hamburgers fixed with all the trimmings plus french fires. They will call you when you order is ready and you pay at that time. The hamburgers were very good as were the french fires. Prices are reasonable.Look for the daily special that should be listed on a stand up sign just outside the front door.

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