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    Almost an hour later I am still waiting for a corn dog. My two year old is still waiting on his food, although the rest of our party has finished eating by now. The "large" fries... not so much. Much is lacking here. If you have somewhere else to be its worth your time to wait for another place to eat.

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    Kalico Kitchen is the only place in the world I ever have been served undercooked French fries. That was my first visit. My second of total two visits, I received a taco salad with Doritos for chips and a sealed plastic single-serving of sour cream, which opened to reveal a spot of mold. The recipes set the bar pretty low. But the execution and quality control fail even to meet it.

    That said, if you just want to hang and gab with a coupla friends for cheap, Kalico Kitchen may be your ticket. That Dorito taco salad? $4 flat. Plus Kalico Kitchen is open Sundays and other hours, when the eatery pickin's are slim.

    The decor is economy diner style, with booths, laminate, and vinyl, and is reasonably clean, though feels a little claustrophobic to me. It doesn't help at all that Fox News is always playing. The staff and patrons are loveable, down-home types who know each other. The demographic leans toward silver hair.

    Food 3 + ambiance 3 + value 7 + service 5 = overall 3.9 /10 (forgettable)

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