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    My friends invited me to go bowling with them here one night because they had $1 bowling! Bowling is so expencie, who could say no to $1! Right when we got there I was not impressed. We waited at least 5 minutes for someone to come help us at the counter to get our shoes. When they finally helped us, they put us on a lane and told us that they had a big party coming in and that we would be kicked off our lane in an hour so that the group could bowl.  If a bowling alley is going to have a big party they need to have lanes reserved for that group. They were very rude to us when they told us we would be getting kicked off our lane. They also had $1 taco night that night too. My boyfriend decided he was thirsty and was going to get him and I some tacos. When the lady came up to him she said, "What do you want," in a very rud voice. They definately didnt get our money after that! Also when we left she was rude taking our shoes. Even though I did not have a good experience at this bowling alley I will probably go back for the dollar bowling but next time if I get treated badly I will be talking to their manager.

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