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    So first off, I walked in, right? There was a line, I have nothing against lines. But the woman behind the counter was RUDE. She gave a very mean look. Anyway I ordered my cheese pizza. So much for "hot and ready", she said it would be 6 minutes. So I sat down in those little squeaky chairs, and before I knew it, it had been 25 minutes. Then the little mean woman behind the counter said "What number did I give you?", I didn't understand her mumbling at first so I asked what she had said. She rolled her eyes, then another customer screamed "SHE SAAAYED WHUT WAS YO NUMBA!?" well excuuuuse me, but no one ever gave me a number... aaaanyway, so after another 5-10 minutes, the woman behind the counter mumbles that my pizza is ready. so she gives me a mean stare again and I get the pizza and walk out. I get home, open the box, this is no cheese pizza. this is sausage. I'm a vegetarian. -_-

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