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    no big deal, local home town diner  less than expected

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    This place is a basic greasy spoon.  It appears to be family owned and operated and of course it is not a chain which is always a plus.  The food was what I would expect from a greasy spoon type diner.  It's wasn't fantastic but it was fine for a basic breakfast.  Service was excellent, the staff was extremely nice.  My meal was about $7 which included a 2 egg breakfast with bacon, hash browns and toast plus hot tea.  

    I feel like the bad reviews of this place are a bit harsh.  It's a small town diner and I don't feel like it pretends to be anything else.  If I were to give this place a critique:  I'm not sure what I would do to make this place better, but somehow it was lacking a little bit.  It has a nice location, it's clean, the food was basic and good.  But somehow it needs some charm.  It' needs a signature dish or two, not just "specials".  Lynn's definitely has some unrealized potential, but I would go back!

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    The baby back ribs did not disappoint. Super tender and fell off the bone. The sweet potato fries and corn nuggets were also good. Service was fantastic with that small town charm that makes you feel like family. Prices were in line or a bit cheaper than a Ruby Tuesday's or the like. Definitely recommend.

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    Kind of a greasy spoon place down in Robbinsville. Between Lynns, Phillips, a Wendys and Papa's pizza and subs, there isn't much here for the passing through motorcyclist.

    I was honestly not impressed with the food, nothing spectacular and very expensive for what you get. 4 chicken wings for $5? I don't think so. They have everything from steaks and ham to seafood drowned in butter.
    The food isn't terrible, it is just not memorable.
    You will be spending at least $15 a person in there so  be weary oh pincher of pennies.

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