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    Hmmmmmmm where do I start !

    I drove from LA to Morgan Hill and felt like unwinding with a few drinks.
    I walk in the bar music is going place is semi empty but feels comfortable.

    I sit at the bar and after 8-10 minutes "Bob" the bartender walks over rubbing his mustache and goatee with his fingers (kinda gross unsanitary) whatever it's a dive bar. I order a beer he brings it with the personality of a TURD.

    Throughout the time I spend at the bar "bob" curses like a sailor and tell these 20 something kids how bad he was as a juvenile and how he kicks patrons out of "HIS" bar for being rude toward him.

    As I watch him throughout the night he says totally inappropriate things to a 20 female I guess is about 25 years old. He then talks about "Mongols" a criminal biker gang and how he scared them off after throwing a member out of his bar.

    At this point I'm thinking I'm a business owner and would hate for this guy to be working in my establishment and being the face of my business.

    Cool bar great atmosphere BUT HORRIBLE STAFF...........

    If you could rate it NO STARS I would.

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    I was at Ricatoni's next door when i heard that the little league championship game was going uber epic.  So, I run out of Ricatoni's desperately looking for a bar to watch the end of he game.  A couple of doors down, viola.

    After getting the game rundown from the local lifers at the bar, I settle into a seat and watch the last two innings.  They didn't make me buy anything, they just wanted my loving company.  As such, I obliged.

    Ya feel me?

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    Nice Dive!
    You want a stiff drink this is the place to go.
    Long Island Ice Tea is the specialty.
    Smells like you can smoke inside during the day.

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    I love strange dive bars in random small towns. That being said, M&H Tavern was a great place to end the night by downing a quick bourbon and coke before heading back to the hotel. The locals were colorful and the drinks were strong. A+

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    I love this place! Great biker bar especially if you like strong drinks! Bob, Deanna, Anette and Ned are the best bar tenders. Tell em Eric sent you! Don't forget to say hi to Bob The Mail Man! He always sits at the end of the bar with his Jeff Gordon Jacket, Richard Petty gotee and a Coors Light.

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    Being that it is one of the few bars here in Morgan Hill, it serves its purpose. It feels like you are sitting in someone's basement and it gets really crowded on the weekends. All kinds of people come here and the bartenders are really cool. They have an awesome juke box too. You can smoke out back where they have a couple of benches or out front. Definitely a dive bar, but it's better than Champs across the street.

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    solid dive bar: strong and cheap drinks. cant go wrong with that...

    minus 1 star becuz its a perpetual sausage fest (which use to bug me when i was single), every so often drama pops off (this is the only real bar in town so EVERYBODY congregates in one place. tensions can rise), and its basically the only thing crackin in Mo Hill after 9pm, so the cops pretty much hover around just waiting to catch people slippin (been pulled over each of the last 2 weekends. got LUCKY)

    bottom line, if u want a cheap stiff drink, this spot is cool. just be careful when ur leavin, cops keep an eye on all roads that lead to the 101...

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    Oh good ol M&H. I just like how it opens at 6am. Now that's a bar! :) Always a good time. As a matter of fact I think theyre calling me now! lol

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    Your typical dive bar...strong drinks, colorful locals and dark.  They have great juke-box too.

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    This place is great, but I think I'm getting too old for a full evening of drinking their drinks, a gin and tonic here is basically a glass of gin with more lime juice from the squeeze of lime in it than there is tonic, and as such my Saturday was really slow, still a fun crowd on a Friday night though.

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    Fun little dive bar for the locals.  Inexpensive drinks that were good.  Don't expect much & you'll find a very low key place to just hang out with friends for a few late night drinks.

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    love it

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    The bar tender is awesome, that is all I can say.

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    I've lived in MH for under a yr now and I haven't made it many times yet. I liked this joint. Small, kinda dive-y, and can get packed. Bartenders are friendly and the crowd is diverse, which -for me- makes for a good time.

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    Old skool bar with a few twists.  Good place to watch football or hockey. The drinks are stiff and the beer is cold.  Bathrooms are small, bartenders are nice. Gets busy after 9 on week ends. I like it.

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    It's aiight...

    MHill is super small & has a nonexistent night life so I'm not down for this dive much. But whenever I've been it's been cool. The restrooms are small but the bar is pretty tiny itself. The year round christmas lights are flattering(?) for those not on par make-up nights.

    The locals love it here apparently...so ah i dunno. I'd prefer to go across the street to Champs!

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    The Tav is where I go when I need a stiff drink. The place is small and nothing special, besides the strength of their drinks.   Almost every visit you're sure to see a fight and the bar closes early on a regular basis to avoid trouble.  All and all its basically the definition of a Morgan hill dive bar, and to be honest I actually like it there.

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    M&H Tavern is probably a regular watering hole for some locals, but I stumbled across it by chance since El Toro Brewpub decided to close an hour earlier than they usually do on a Friday night... I guess that's what my friend and I get for finally decided to meet-up at 11:30 p.m. in South County.

    This place is easier than to find than you'd think. Just drive down Monterey Road on a late night and look for the small handful of parked cars in an otherwise deserted downtown. I only noticed that there was a dozen people congregated in front of the bar once I pulled up right next to them. I made no eye contact as I approached the door, probably because you never know when you'll be misinterpreted as looking at someone the wrong way or I was afraid that this late night excursion was going to end up as an impromptu high school reunion. Fortunately, neither happened.

    Inside, M&H Tavern is a narrow dive bar filled with mid-20 to mid-30 somethings (with some exceptions, as I'll touch upon later). The crowd was generally low-key and was there just to have a drink and socialize. As with any bar, you'll always find boys trying to hit on girls, girls turning down boys, and the occasional cougar (the aforementioned exception) who tries too hard to see if she still has game.

    Aside from gin and tonic, I've avoided mixed drinks for awhile now, but according to my friend, her Malibu pineapple was pretty weaksauce. They have standard domestic drafts, but I opted for a pint of Sam Adams' Boston lager and a Newcastle brown ale. It's always nice to have options beyond beer that start with "Bud" or "Coors."

    Overall, a surprisingly pretty good bar for being the default place in Morgan Hill opened until 2 a.m. Just be prepared to come up with an excuse to turn down the random bar guy that invites you to his friend's place for a round of beer pong.

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    The bartender was so nice! After one of my friends ordered, my other friend and I had no idea what we wanted so we asked her for something sweet. She made a delicious cocktail with cherry vodka and a rockstar - she also told us that if we didn't like it we could exchange it for something else! But we both loved it and prices were cheap around $5.50 per drink.

    There was some confusion when we were trying to pay because we kept debating if we were paying seperate or one person would pay for the round - so she only charged one drink to my friends card instead of all 3 like we wanted, but after we told her she immediately corrected it by voiding the first transaction and put all 3 on the card.  I was really amazed at how nice and polite she was about the whole thing!

    Definitely great service!!!

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    Stayed in town for a night. Very nice little town. Unusually nice....

    I love dive bars. This is not a dive bar. It is an upscale bar with a dive bar motif. Gang fights?!?! Okay..... Not worried about that anywhere in Morgan Hill. Even the drivers are polite!

    There is a good liquor selection and a few beers on tap. It has plenty of room (compared to "taverns" in the east and midwest. It is an approachable little bar and most people seemed to be either looking for a hookup or a conversation with other regulars.

    I liked the place. Go there if you are in town for a night and want to have some fun. Already live there? Well, then you probably already know every person in the bar.

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    "woah. so this is what a tavern is like. right on. i could do this..."

    After growing impatient for a table across the street, we j-walked and ran in for a quick drink. 'Lil Sis being an ex local, was showing her wide-eyed city girl sister the country ropes!

    The bartender was a total sweet heart to me when I asked him to make me something "pink". My bf totally laughed at my request and dubbed me L-woods, yes, as in Legally blonde! My drink was perfect! X liquor, 7-up, orange and cran splashes..summery! ;)

    We officially named the drink, "The Pink lady". It was the first time the bartender had even made a pink drink and he let me name it. If you ever find yourself in Morgan Hill, order the PINK LADY. I'm not kidding! :D

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    Yeah, I'm afraid for the most part I'm going to have to agree with Stella B.  I differ from her only in that the few drinks I've had there have been quite strong, and they're inexpensive.  But cheap liquor is just not enough for me to recommend a bar.  I'm originally from Morgan Hill and even I don't care for this place.  I've only been in it about 3 times and that's because I don't feel completely comfortable there.   The place is seedy and I feel like I shouldn't touch anything when I'm there.  There's really nothing to set it apart from hundreds of other dive bars in the South Valley and I can think of a thousand places I'd rather be.  

    For some reason many of my old Morgan Hill compadres just love this place and when they're back in town they seem to eventually end up there.  I think it's probably the cheap drinks, but I'd rather pay a little more for drinks and spend some time in a place where I can relax and enjoy my surroundings.  Sorry fellow Morgan Hillers, I'm just not a fan.

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    The M & H is a great bar, and the one business from Morgan Hill that I miss since we moved to Campbell.

    I have had the honor of being served up drinks by three different barkeeps, each a credit to their profession who have learned their craft by working dark places like the M & H for years. The M & H  lacks the "Morgan Hill Pretension" that infects most of the other places downtown; no nonsense bartenders in a no-nonsense bar.

    Mixed clientele, great for people watching and sucking down beers. Drinks are stiff and cheap, a dangerous but delicious combination. Darts for the adventurous, cool jukebox,  re-bar on the bathroom windows for your protection.

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    i liked it =and my names not mikey! 4 bux a drink for a boozer is super duper. Very friendly bartenderlady who was willing to have a shot of ole grandad w/us and also has a fairly heavy pouring hand, if ya know what i mean wink wink nudge nudge

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    Yep - It's A-Ok - But only because its dingy - Extremely dingy! But if you have good company (like I did - Thanks Daniel and M&M) then it can blossom into a beautiful Oasis!
    D found this place while we were at the festival and told us to drop on by and their amazing 4 dollar liquor drinks - No liquor for me, please, but I'll check out their beer. 4.50 for a Pint of Draft beer of your choice - Not bad - I enjoyed their New Castle and M liked their Hef.
    I liked being served by the old man - he cracked a few jokes about his slow pace and wobbling hips - Nice one...

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    Good place to have some drinks and watch a game.  

    Service was fast and good with a very reasonable price.  I see me here more often than other pricier places in the area.

    I have to say that I was a little intimidated at first and didn't know the reception we would receive when entering, but it was met with nothing but awesome service and friendly patrons.  

    We will be back here.

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    MH Tavern is the spot to quench my thirst. Bob and Marlis definitely know how to make a darn good Jack&Coke. Friendly environment and you rarely have to wait for a drink. It can get crowded around certain holidays but the way they be making them drinks is definitely worth the wait. Shout out to Ronnie.

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    Local dive in downtown area which has been there for years. It's very long narrow with no windows so it stays pretty dark inside if they don't leave the door open. There's one dart board and two older tv's on both ends of the bar.  Place is usually filled with the local drunks during the day, but once work lets out the place starts filling up with a mix of the older and younger crowd. Drinks are usually pretty strong and you will probably find a new friend who likes to talk too much, but quite the friendly spot.

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    Morgan Hill - you ask me, what the hell was I doing there? I was meeting friends after a wedding and had time to kill. I look at the gas station attendant and asked for a car wash and a bar.  

    "A Bar? - You want to drink?" Don't women drink around here?
    And he sends me down Monterey . I had to pass the bar bc there were were Mormon guys on the block. Were they going to say to the lady  "Hello" in 3 different languages? Fearing that Morgan Hill was code word for Mormon territory, I circled the blocks until they walked far enough for me to duck into M&H.

    Bobby, the friendly bartender passed on to me that M&H is rumored to originally be MH for Morgan Hill, but the city didnt want a namesake bar.

    There is nothing on tap, but a Ketel Tonic was just $5.50.
    There are darts, a few TVs, a jukebox and a large bar-height table good for big groups. They have kareoke Thursdays and Saturdays.

    Everyone was a regular and the people are welcoming but able to leave you alone (I was there by myself). I'm glad I chose to come here over the brewery on down the street, because although it looked shiny from the outside - there were more people here. And it was kinda fun being an out-of-town barfly dodging those handsome guys in white shirts and ties.

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