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    I have live in Ithaca throughout college and this place is amazing. I went to Cali for 6 years and could never find a good pizza place like Main Street (round table eh so-so) but main street is cheap and has amazing subs too...love this place!

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    To start they were ok but they have gone down hill the past couple years. Burnt crust seems to the norm now. Plus their employees are rude. They use fowl language to customers who have valid complaints about the service. When you call the manager to complain she is unable to do anything without the owners permission. When you speak to the owner he is rude and basically tells you too bad. He thinks he must be good because he has business. I say he has business because he is the only place with pizza in the whole town. I don't think he would get much if a real pizza place opened up! The interior has holes in the wall, chipped linoleum on the floor, and is dirty. All in all... a place to avoid!

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    I have travelled many places and enjoyed more than one piece of pizza. Out of all the pizza I have tried main street remains at the top.

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    OK, a pie to be savored...good, old fashioned, New York pie.  Coming from a place where there is not  decent pizza in the entire state, I might not be saying much, but if you ever find your self in Gratiot county Michigan, stop and get a pie from this place.  It is not gourmet, trendy, poser pie with artichoke hearts, potatos and goat cheese - it's the real thing!

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