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    Well if you're not so much into skinny and healthy, then might I recommend trying the #13 off the "mega multi meal" selection?  I've never feared sleeping on the 13th floor of a hotel, Friday 13th, an Indestructible man/monster, or a Mexican combo meal that includes an over the top in taste all beef enchilada  (with a red sauce that will make you wish you had just ordered the "enchilada meal") an all beef Burrito that slightly lighter version of the enchilada sauce but not as thick or robust in flav-a, and a BIG OLE over sized cheese STUFFED chili rellenos pepper.  I a'nt scared of the jinx of silly number 13 nor should you be if your looking for an affordable Mexican meal that is sure to satisfy your cravings in the Oakland TN area at a price will not leave you feeling like you're wallet has been sucked dry by all so scary Count of Dracula.  Enjoy yall, and make sure to tip your wait staff well, these guys and girls truly are working at a labor of love.  One last very important thing....If you love the guacamole at places like Las Delouses, just ask for the manager and request hand made guacamole.  He will usually go and prepare it by hand himself and will all pride let you know that this is what he serves at his own home to his family and friends.

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    Good food, reasonable price. Good service. Don't sit on the east side of the patio unless you want to smell their garbage can.

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    I was impressed. Waiters were very friendly and constantly waited on me. The food is different and delicious

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    I must agree with the majority and say that this place was a disappointment. I waited until the big opening crowds thinned out after a couple of weeks and me and my family ventured out one evening to give this place a try. Margaritas has spent a good deal of money on the decor and the redesign of the front of the building in a highly stylized fashion. I was soon to discover that they should have invested in better food and training for their employees.

    We got off on the wrong foot with these folks early on when one of the chairs which was needed for our party of 5 was found to have salsa spilled all over it.  After calling it to someone's attention, and enduring several minutes of no response,  I finally took care of it myself by swapping a chair from across the room and leaving the dirty chair turned backwards. No one at Margaritas mentioned it again, as it I had never called it to their attention.

    I ordered the chili relleno and it was just average. The beans and rice were terrible. The salsa was not memorable in any way. The rest of the family (5 of us) had equally dull or unremarkable dinners placed before them after a long delay.

    More expensive than the much better El Nopal down the street. They do have a nice big entryway though...which I will admire as I drive to their competitor's restaurant.

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    I just don't understand how this place rates so high.  The food was bland as bland can be.  The salsa must have been canned.  The rice and beans - forget about it.  The food was so bland, I forgot what I had.  El Nopal is so much better!

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    I have eaten at this restaurant many times and it is By Far the best around Oakland.  The staff is great and service is exceptional.  Glad they are here!

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    I have written many times in my reviews that I LOVE Mexican food. I don't really know where to begin......

    We saw it being built...  Heard that it was very busy.... Should be good....  At my home builders meeting all my friends said, you may love "other Mexican restaurant" now but once you try Margaritas, the old place won't be your favorite any more".

    We decided to try it.

    1.) Greasy chips but good salsa
    2.) queso cheese dip was the same as you can get everywhere - from a can or plastic bag and heated
    3.) I ordered the steak fajita nachos - there was exactly no fajita seasoning on the meat. There wasn't even any salt or garlic or any seasoning in the meat. It was very bland. I didn't read the menu well enough to realize that the entire dish would be covered in the same queso cheese sauce rather than a shredded cheddar or Colby or even a spicy yellow cheese with jalapeños. The chips on the bottom were extremely greasy. An hour later as I write this "margaritas revenge" threatens.
    4.) my husband had the fish tacos. What can I say, he's from SoCal but this has never been a specialty in this area so I knew it was a mistake from the beginning. He said they were very bland until he poured the salsa on them. (I don't like salsa on fish tacos because it covers the flavor of the fish which is why you get fish tacos). But apparently these fish didn't have enough flavor.
    5.) rice was very bland
    6.) beans were very bland and appeared to be the same watered down version from a can. Not impressed.
    7.) I couldn't find a single dish with charrizo (sp?) sausage at all.

    Generally the first time I visit a new Mexican restaurant I order 1 tamal, 1 chili relleno, rice and beans. If these are all done right and if they are tasty I will visit again and try other dishes. I broke this rule because the menu was so extensive. BIG MISTAKE! If they mess up the rice and beans, which for a southern girl, that's like messing up a good cornbread and black eyed peas, then can you really trust them to make anything else well?  I don't think so.

    SO all you Fayette County home builders, I do not agree with you although I still love you all, El Nopal still has my vote for best Mexican food in Oakland (and Somerville for that matter). I DARE you to try the Molcajete at El Nopal, it's even better than most of my New Mexico favorites!

    Sorry Margaritas, it looks like you dumped a LOT of money into your place (the decor is quite nice and clean) It shows well and although I didn't try your restrooms I feel confident they were probably clean and well stocked because you are so new, but without the flavor of a good green chili, you don't get my repeat business.

    Question: many local Mexican restaurants have "Sopapillas" on their menus. WHY DOES NO LOCAL RESTAURANT KNOW HOW TO MAKE THEM?????  there are no tortillas or cinnamon or chocolate sauce involved people!

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    Out of what seems to be a sea of Mexican restaurants in Oakland, this is now the best. It's brand new and very clean. All of the staff were very nice and our waiter checked on us often. Nice selection of Mexican beers and margaritas are available as well as standard drinks (tea, coke, etc). The salsa was very nice and had a bit of heat to it. The chips were fresh as well. As a surprise, my side of beans came in a fried tortilla bowl! The decor is excellent and they play authentic Mexican music over the loud speakers. The lighting is basic but plentiful and the noise isn't too bad. The walls are all hand painted and the seats and table have very nice decoration and have a hand painted look. We have found our new fave of the four and will return often.

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