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    Terrible service.  Waited at least 5 minutes to get anyone to take my order.  Ketchup dispenser was empty and not refilled despite multiple customers complaining about it.  What happened to customer service?  Does anyone there not care?  Guess not.

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  • 0

    Service was really slow!  Fries were hot but under cooked, and don't even bother with the 'southwest burger' - just plain gross with the soggy corn chips on it.

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  • 0

    Service was lousy and really slow. After paying for my meal I also wanted a water and the girl responds "well you have to wait until I finish all these orders" then I asked for hot sauce instead of BBQ and she gives me 1, she pulled 3 or 4 from the box and picked off 1. I will never go here again. I would recommend just to keep driving somewhere near town.

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    Ladies restroom disgustingly filthy.  I shall not describe other than to say I've never seen a McDonald's in this state.  I would not eat there after crossing the restroom threshold.  Cleanliness does not seem to be part of the agenda.  Hopefully it was a temporary condition...maybe a bus had just been there with too many to accommodate...but whatever it was, it screamed "hit the road and eat elsewhere!"

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    One word. SLOW! I've eaten at this McDonald's at least a dozen times and I can not recall ever getting through the drive thru lane in a reasonable amount of time. I literally spent 20 minutes waiting for my food yesterday. Slowest McDonalds ever.

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    3 Stars

    At a gas station
    has a kids play area in case your kids need a play break and you feel like they haven't been exposed to enough germs
    Service (Robert) was surprisingly very good
    Food was good - I think this was the first time my "fries with no salt" actually had no salt on 'em.

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  • 0

    Mc Donalds at a Gas station!! Coffee drink was okay. Order the Sausage, egg and cheese breakfast muffin.. The sausage was a bit burn and tasted old..  Mayb they don't get many customers at this location.  

    I've had better!

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