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    Made a quick pit-stop while passing by. The restrooms were disgusting. I held my breath until I had to wash my hands...

    There was a large Amish family taking up several of the back tables & I found that incredibly hilarious & ironic.

    Aside from all that, it's still McDonald's & disgusting.

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    Mojave is a huge pit stop for people traveling from southern to northern California heading towards desert, motocross, camping, mountain biking, skiing, and other activities.  As well, people heading to the lovely mountain town of Tehachepie (sp.), etc.  
    I have to admit, I eat at Micky D's when traveling on road trips.  But the MacDonald's in this town of Mojave, is pretty close to be a total dive.  The bathrooms are nasty, the place doesn't seem clean.  How does this franchise operation let this particular joint get away with this????

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