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    I'd actually give this location a 3.5 or so on the McDonald's scale.  Fast food restaurants really should be graded on a different scale.

    This location is housed in a building shared with a convenience store and BP station. How's that for ambience? At least it's very clean and very convenient. The parking lot is brightly lit and well-maintained.

    The food? Typical McDonald's. That's "A-OK" as the rating suggests. It is neither exciting nor upscale; but, it is cheap and filling. The coffee (the McCafé choices) is actually not bad and as there is nothing nearby in the way of coffee bars is appreciated. This location has very high inspection ratings and typically hums along quickly and efficiently.

    There is a small dining room and coffee bar area. The requisite free WIFI is reliable and speedy. The service is pretty decent for the most part. There is one employee at the drive-through that will be quite memorable if she takes your order. She's extraordinarily loud and almost Borg-like in efficiency and marketing technique. She is quite cold though and does something that rates high on my list of pet peeves: she asks "Hi, how are you?" and never, ever waits for you to answer before she has turned away from you. Don't ask if you don't plan on listening. And please, for the love of Ronald McDonald, stop yelling at us folks in the drive-through.

    The biggest complaint is the accuracy of orders. Often they leave off things or pack the bags incorrectly. If you're grabbing some takeout, be sure to check your order before you pull away no matter how annoyed those inside or behind you become.

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