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    I never rate fast food chain restaurants based on food. It's McDonalds - a happy meal here is the same as one in NYC, LA,  or Alaska. So, based on service and facility I'd give this place 3 stars.  It's half restaurant, half gas station so there is a lot of traffic. The restrooms are in the back of the gas station and were pretty clean. They use hand driers, which as a thinking adult I appreciate for ecological purposes but as a mom I hate because you can't hold a baby, a diaper bag, and rub your hands under the air.  The last facility related thing to keep in mind is the lack of seating - only 7 tables if I counted right. So avoid this place at busy times, if there is such a thing in Shepherd.

    The service and staff were great!  They even got little yooper cheese for her burger since her daddy didn't know hamburger really means hamburger with cheese.

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