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    Very solid tex-mex/Mexican food in the cenla area. Its nice to have family owned options. It has a very good reputation among the locals and can get quite busy during peak hours. I ordered a vegetarian quesadilla with guacamole. They arent stingy with the cheese; I'll say that much. My friend had a shrimp chimichanga, which sounds gross as all get out to me but he approved. The chips were nondescript.

    The place itself isnt fancy but perfectly serviceable. You can expect good food but I wouldn't bank on great ambiance- some generic, vaguely Mexican murals going on. But it's clean and not too visually offensive. I'm taking off one star because of poor service. The server was nice enough but very slowly and forgot portions of our meal. The other staff members were very friendly. They take cards so no worries about needing cash.

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