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    I agree with Nick in that the club is very nice as far as decor, etc is concerned. I think the drink prices are a little steep ($4.25 for a BL)? But, and it's a very big but, the girls are very "cliqueish". If you are not a regular or deemed to be "money" you will be ignored. Plus, I think the girls are always in fear of that charlatan, micro-managing Michelle. As the owner/manager, she is her own worst enemy. With the nice club and above average girls, this place should be raking in the cash. I was there on a recent Saturday night and there were three patrons in house at 10:00 pm. By the time I left at 11:45, the "crowd" was maybe up to 6 or so, two dancers had been fired and the place was as quiet as a tomb. A damn shame if you ask me. I left with lots of money still in my pocket.

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    Michelles  Beach House is a decent strip club where the girls are good looking and the environment is clean.  While the two main points are great, the largest downside to this club is that if the girls don't know you they for the most part will ignore you.  This works out on one level, in that tips aren't horribly expensive, but on another level it is disappointing to go into a club willing to spend money and having trouble getting a warm greeting from the girls.

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