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    Best Chicken anywhere, seriously! Mmm Mmm

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    Middleton Diner has the best chicken dinner in Michigan. This is not an exaggeration -- they put the much-loved Zehnder's to shame. The only reason this place isn't famous is because it's in the middle of BFE.

    MD does pretty much the same food as Zehnder's -- a chicken dinner with broasted chicken, some other kind of meat (ham, pork chop, or roast beef), stuffing, mashed potatoes, vegetable, bread pudding for dessert -- but it's an all-you-can-eat buffet! For super cheap! The lunch buffet is $7.45, and the dinner/Sunday buffet is a little more expensive, but still ridiculously reasonable, so even with gas prices being what they are, you come out ahead on the deal.

    It doesn't have much in the way of ambience. It looks like it was built in two stages. The first actually looks like a diner (albeit a faded one from the 30s), and the second room (location of the buffet and the majority of the seating) looks like a church basement. I personally find this to be comforting, because you know that a restaurant with wood panelling from the 70s is more focused on its food than on you, which is how it should be. So foodies and hipsters beware -- it's really great, carb-heavy food, but you won't get a lot of attention here unless your water glass is empty.

    After the meal, make sure to check out the grandma crafts (handmade dishcloths and dishtowels) or buy some wonderful local honey ($5.45 for 2 lbs).

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