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    We headed to Ariton to visit some relatives and wanted to find some place to eat. It was Sunday morning and everyone as at church, so we drove around and Miss Ruby's was the only place open.  

    Upon walking in you know you are gonna get some serious food just by the great smell of the cooking. You see all the antiques and stuff from yesteryear.  You walk up to a row of different vegetables, side dishes and backed or fried chicken. For those that know how southern food should taste, Miss Ruby's is spot on. The corn bread is fried like how it should be and everything was fresh and tasty. For dessert we had fresh peach cobbler which literally came fresh and hot out of the oven as she served it.  

    I had green beans, sweet potato, corn bread, baked chicken, mac and cheese, sweet tea and peach cobbler and I didn't feel stuff since everything was homeade and fresh.  It came out to $9 a person for all that food. Basically you could keep eating as much as you want and the price stayed the same. And it didn't even say buffet out side. Once church got out this place packed in the folks fast.  Everyone from the folks workin there to the patrons were very friendly and  you can't beat the ole southern charm.

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