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    Not sure what I was expecting when I parked in the sandy-colored pea-gravel parking lot and wandered into this house-with-a-shed-attached bar on a Sunday afternoon. I felt like a stranger; partly because I was from out of town, partly because of the unfamiliar-yet-homey atmosphere and partly because I am just not much of a barfly (despite owning the Yelp badge.)

    The decor is dim, with few windows. they have a single flat-screen TV on the wall, two tables for dominoes, computers set up with slot-machine-like games on them, a dart board, and a jukebox. I can think of no other accoutrements that might be sought in a lounge.

    Food-wise they cook around lunchtime, which was not when I was there. Alcohol-wise I didn't see a drink menu, but another patron ordered Bud Light and got a can.

    I think if this were in Austin it might be called a "dive bar" and it would carry a certain ironic cachet with hipsters. Around here it just seems like a bar, and everything about it happens without a hint of irony. Almost makes me wish I was thirstier.

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