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    Have to agree with Simian re: the fish fry.  Same experience pretty much.  (Service aside - that was good)  Fried cod way way way over cooked, salad bar . . . warm, watery, pretty gross.  Chili from a can perhaps?  Chicken noodle soup was pretty darn good tho.
    Sometimes those dives have the best food  - we took our chances!  Sorry we didn't have a burger instead.

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    Focking delicious burgers.

    Walked in during lunch for work a few weeks ago.  Apparently the drunk regulars love a man in uniform 'cause my work partner and I got cat-calls as we walked in and we're not even that pretty.

    Well, he's not pretty.  I have a profile picture here and I wouldn't wanna tell you lies about what you can see for yourself.


    I'm always a bit apprehensive going to a bar for lunch considering we drive a gigantic truck for a living and while I'm sure it's okay it just makes me feel a bit wrong.

    No worries here, tables off the bar and while half the clientele was wasted the cook obviously wasn't.  The food was delicious.  I had the Badger burger which consisted of copious amounts of different kinds of cheeses on a huge burger.  I also had the mojo fries, which are sweet potato fries.

    Full disclosure, I'm a son-of-the-South, so sweet potato fries are my kryptonite.  Eff were they delicous.  Worth going for these by itself.

    If you're ever in Waunakee you should probably stop by.  It's not fancy, it's a bit of a dive, in fact.  But the burgers are great, the fries are better, and you could probably pick up a local girl if you weren't on duty.

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    We heard great things about this place, so we thought we'd give it a shot.  Service was slow and unfriendly.  The server treated us as if we were a bother rather than a customer.  The menu seemed to have a good variety, but when we asked questions the server looked at us like we were from outer space.  My question you ask, what comes on the burger. Food was average. We were disappointed, and left feeling  unwelcome.  Next time we grab a sandwich at Kwik Trip.  At least that way we know what we're getting on the burger.

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    Menu is typical bar fare. Taco special on Tuesday, chicken much better than beef. Service was super slow, waited for the check for ten minutes. Good beer specials.

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    I've been there for drinks before but hadn't been there for dinner until tonight.  My friends and I were starving and looking for a good fish fry and thought Mojo's would be decent.  WRONG!  There was one poor young woman who appeared to be having to cover the dining room and behind the bar by herself- I felt bad for her.  The soup/salad bar (which comes with the fish fry) was covered with flies, the lettuce and coleslaw were sitting in pools of water, and the soups were lukewarm and tasted like they'd been sitting on a burner all day. The fish was clearly prepackaged and just defrosted and thrown in the deep fryer- it was burned on the outside and cold on the inside and had a fishy smell and taste (fresh fish is not supposed to taste or smell fishy).  The baked potato was mealy and lukewarm as well.  I can't speak to the rest of the menu- it might be delicious, but you will definitely want to avoid the fish fry- we pretty much all felt like it was the worst fish fry we have ever encountered.  We are all just hoping we make it through the next 24 hours without food poisoning.

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    Great burgers, and wonderful outdoor seating area under a huge tree.  The lights in the tree are a great touch.  The Mojo burger is great with fried onions and blue cheese.  Get out the napkins and enjoy!  

    We are looking forward to the smoking ban so we can go there when the weather is not conducive to sitting outside as right now it is so smokey inside we can hardly stand to go in to use the bathroom.

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