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    On recommendation of good friend/family - we stopped by after working Sunday AM. Absolutely a gem in the midst of coal - this place looks wonderfully welcoming. Our hostess gave us the choice of bar or restaurant area for seating. We chose bar and were immediately served. Great selection of beers on tap - excellent menu offering complete meals, appetizers, burgers, and dinners.

    Selected the Italian Sausage Roma and choice of soup (Clam Chowder). Again, native NY'er "KNOWS" good clam chowder - this one was excellent!  Could have licked the bowl if I could have gotten it away from my husband. This soup can be a meal in itself!

    Italian Sausage Roma was one of the best Italian dinners that I have had since leaving Italy. Again, had to "beat" husband away from it - but his Black and Blue Burger was no slouch - large patty with just the right amount of toppings.

    Server (Cassie) was attentive, friendly, professional and just a delightful young lady who made the experience even better with her input about the food choices.

    Usually we have to travel to a large city (Ft Wayne, Indy) to get quality food - but no more - Moonlight Wine and Dine has completely taken over the area.

    You get what you pay for and if you want to eat cheap chain food quality (out of the can, jar, box or freezer food that was prepared in mass) then don't bother coming here. This is the real deal and I'm SHOCKED that we've found this gem!!

    Thanks Lynette and Tom M. for the suggestion! Going to take your grandparents out for dinner here!!!

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