Mosch's has changed a bit.
I came here about 4 years ago for a drink with my cousins and friends. The place was a friendly dive bar but was smokey and dark. I did not eat then because .... just cause.
I just went back to Mosch's a couple months ago. I didn't want to but I really needed to eat something and things close up there early.
Was I in for an surprise!!!!
The place was completely renovated, lighted and clean. Can still smoke in there but they must have upgraded the exhaust fans because it was no longer unbrearable.
I was in for multiple surprises that night.
1 - I decided to hazard the bacon cheese burger. YUM! perfect, and big and juicy. Fries were just how I liked it
2 - $7 !!!
3 - I began to think I was going to get out of this without some plague
4 - I forget what my sister had but she said it was real good
5 - was more convinced I would get out of there without a major gastro-intestinal space shuttle ignition reaction
6 - WIRELESSS!!!! Coudersort aint known for wireless friendliness. The IPADs were released 3 days prior and we had one to show off to the locals. WIRELESS baby!
7 - Talk abbout attentive and friendly Barmaids......OK they were attractive too. Loved the service.
8 - There is a non-smoking restaurant section.
we went to the restaurant the next night for the prime rib special. It wasn't the best but it was like $12, what did I expect? I think they cooked them like a steak instead of roasting a rib roast. That's cool, I wasn't expecting gourmet and small places really can't afford to cook a $100 roast if they are not sure it would sell. I twas not crowded.
So Mosch's went from "not me pal" to thumbs up from this spoiled Florida boy.
Don't hesitate, beers are cheap enough too.