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    Very reasonable prices, good food. Grilled shrimp was very good and fresh, chicken tenders done old fashion like my grandma used to make, burger was good, catfish lightly battered and cooked just right.

    Only open Thurs thru Sun.

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    You are missing it, if you don't try their fried catfish. It's GEEAT.

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    I have not eaten here in quite a while... Mainly because it is out of the way.
    Located on 141 less than a mile from US129, it is a decent ride from Murphy for a quick bite to eat.
    Don't get me wrong, it is worth the trip.
    The food is good and the service is friendly.
    You will not be dissapointed.

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    This out of the way gem is worth a detour. Great burgers with fresh toppings, perfect buns and awesome fries. They do have all you can eat specials during the week - I've had fish and it was good. Lightly fried and not too heavy. Their sweat tea is pretty good, too.

    Whenever I'm in Murphy on business I'll stop by here on the way, timing my visit so I can grab either lunch or dinner here. The staff are friendly and the diner attracts a nice local crowd.  I've eaten here a dozen times and I've never had a bad meal.

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