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    Any place with a fish tank bar is AOK in my book. It's so fun to have a drink and watch an electric eel slink past porcupine shrimp. But aquatics aside, Muse is a comfortable neighborhood restaurant in Water Mill that offers friendly service and an innovative menu.

    The chica and I went on a recent Saturday night and split a few apps while seated at the fish bar. We tried Meatballs Four Ways (Italian, Swedish, Asian and American); grilled scallops over banana relish; and a beignet with pulled pork and caramelized onions.

    The main entrees, though we did not try them, looked and sounded impressive and I'll definitely be back. My only negative comment would be that it seemed a bit pricey (mains go from $28-40ish), but sometimes you get what you pay for.

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    Went for the first time during restautrant week. I was looking forward to going after reading creative menu and good reviews. but food did not live up to chef's enthusiastic description..like a bad match date. The chicken was dry and tasteless and the talapia had an unpleasant metallic taste. Our server who looked like she was ten  was friendly enough but was not attentive. She walked by our table wth a friendly smile oblivious to our empty water glasses and on another occasion empty wine glass.. Drive by service and  mediocore food.  Very disappointing.

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    My wife and I have been here many times and have never been disappointed.   I ate there with 2 other couples last saturday night.   The food, service and atmosphere was terrific.  one of my favorite places in the hamptons.

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    This is unique  lounge for Hamptons-the top of the  bar is  a fish tank-so even if you  come  here alone -you can entertain yourself by looking at  all the  miniature fishes and crabs -going on about there business right under your martini glass.
      But that just  the  beginning:  food is great and very creative- Tuna palooza-4 different ways you can have tuna sashimi or Horseradish and Gorgonzola Crusted, New York Strip-so savory, or that " Breakfast 4 Supper"-when you craving that eggs before the night is finished. The chef is fun and if you staying in the Hamptons in the winter-you should try his cooking classes, no cooking  skills requited-as long you can drink unlimited wine,laugh and enjoy food.

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